Friday, February 25, 2011

Time to Change it up on Ya'll!

To my dearest readers, followers, friends & family...
I know not all of you have opted to be on the email list to be "reminded" once a week to check out my page, but I do know there are a few of you out there who follow my blog but are not on my email list... so I thought I'd clue you ALL in on the change.
I'm moving to a different blog, instead of trying to revamp my existing one... I just wanted to start all over.  My new link is -
I apologize for switching it up on you guys like this... but after the last couple of months, I have grown tired of my blog design & realized that ALOT of my posts that last month or so have been pretty much depressing (sorry! lol) & I started getting bored with "quote of the day". So time for a change!!!
I have been working on this new site for DAYS!  I ran across a couple blogs with these really CUTE designs, and was determined to figure it out how to do it myself rather than pay someone $75-$200 to design it (yes, people actually make money designing these things!)  Unfortunately, when I see something I want... I want it.  Fortunately, I don't have the money, and was able to figure it out and do it myself. :)  But my new blog entails MANY new exciting thing to talk about (hopefully)!  To the left of my page I've listed my "topics" for the days to come.  I'm excited... lets just hope I can keep up with it like I want! 
As much as I enjoyed writing in my last one sorta like a diary, it probably was more of an escape for me... a way to vent; and probably wasn't so much enjoyable for you guys.  So, this will be a little more fun.. and more creative!  Feel free to pass on my link later if you feel like others will enjoy!  :)

The new blog posts will kick off on Monday. I have figured out a way for you all to be subscribed, without me having to email you.  I tested it out and it works, just not sure if pictures will be sent if I post them... hmm.  Anywho, to subscribe - to the right of my blog there is a subscription link... DO IT!!! =)

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