Saturday, April 16, 2011

Poor Friday... LOL

My sins this week? 

This is the first time I've missed a day/post.. and I feel VERY guilty! LOL  So I decided I'd tell you why I didn't have a chance to post yesterday, and then mix in my fashion tidbit.  After work I had to head over to get my "weave" fixed. LOL I really don't have a weave, but it's fun saying.. (I don't think extensions are considered a weave? Yea, I don't know... I should look it up but I'm lazy and don't wanta).  So I was there for a few hours.. then headed over to Josh's and picked Bobby up and we went to go grab dinner, then we headed back to Josh's and just hung out for a bit.  It was a little different this time though.. no one was drinking, or BS-ing with each other...  I was on the floor coloring with Josh's niece and nephew while everyone else was eating or watching a movie.  But I figured, I'll just play with the kids.. so I colored, then somehow throwing golf balls into a shoe box turned into a game (his niece is in 2nd grade, and his nephew.. I'm not sure but has to be like 2-3), then it turned into us sitting on the floor rolling golf balls to each other.. it was quite funny.  I love how the smallest things entertain kids, and I love that I didn't care at all that I was sitting there playing with them and not out somewhere.  But I think it's also that "getting older" thing.. Josh went to bed at like 9-9:30, we left about 10... sorta made me laugh that everyone was ready to go to bed, but I wasn't ready to call it a night.  So I came home, lint rolled myself (lol  - Josh has a dog, so from rolling around on the floor with the kids I was covered in dog hair).. then went and picked up a friend and headed to Friday's for a couple drinks.  Not realizing what time it was, we actually closed the place the down. LOL Then the night ended up into a small bet about me being able to pull an all-nighter, which most of the time.. if put to the test I can do.. but I failed and knocked out.  So this morning my thought process was... "Crap, I fell asleep... Crap, I didn't do my blog!!" LOL

So my fashion tidbit?  Feather extensions.  Some of you who are keeping up with fashion today, know that feather extensions are the "new thing".  Steven Tyler has them (American Idol judge), Hayley on American Idol had them for a bit.. and a lot of celebrities are wearing them.  I figured, you know what.. with Stagecoach coming up... that gives me a "reason" to get one.  And because I'm me,  I think I can totally pull it off. LOL  Here's a few pictures of what these "feather extensions" look like. I'm going with the first look, little more subtle... but Steven Tyler's are extreme!! LOL

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