Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where's my inspiration??

Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration.....

I've had NONE lately.  I haven't been inspired to write lately.  I think because looking at the computer screen hurts my eyes and my head.  Plus, writing means I have to think; which is hard to do when it's foggy.  The last day I wrote was Thursday, the day I went to the doctors and got meds.  I had 6 pills (antibiotics) that I used and abused and am out and the cold is still here (but the ear ache and sore throat is gone)... I was instructed to take Claritin (which I'm starting to think the doctor thought I was affected by allergies, which clearly is not the case), and still taking the cough medicine (religiously).

Friday I didn't do much, went home started on the invitations for Stephs Bridal Shower, and watched "Love & Other Drugs".  Slept in as much as I could Saturday; worked on the invitations a little more.  Then had a "movie date" with Tristan and saw Bridesmaids (funniest movie I have seen in a LOONG time).  After that we headed over to BJ's to have dinner with my parents and Brett's family for Steph and Brett's birthdays.  After that the 4 of us (me, Trit, Brett and Steph) headed over to Roscoe's so the birthday couple could drink.  Lets just say the weekend ended up with both of them being sick (at separate times) LOL  They were lucky I was on meds, so they had a designated driver. ;)

Sunday, slept in as much as I could again (which isn't much when you have a head cold and you wake yourself up realizing your nose is dripping.. gross right? TMI? LOL)  I woke up, layed on the couch and watched "How Do You Know" (not as good as I'd anticipated), then brushed my teeth, threw my hair up and went to Michaels, Walmart, and Victoria Secrets to grab gifts and stuff for the invitations.  Also drove by to get my nails done... which was a really bad idea.  The combination of the smell of my salon, my runny nose and the fact my hands were not "usable".. BAD IDEA.  Went home, did as much as I could with the invites, watched the latest Harry Potter movie, and went to bed.

Monday I realized I felt worse than I had the couple days before that... which isn't good.  And we had all the family coming over for Brett and Stephs birthdays.  Luckily it was a calm, relaxing and not too loud of a day.. which I found beneficial and perfect.

I keep waiting to wake up and feel completely fine... and I haven't.  Which I'm not too fond of.  My ears started hurting again today (which I'm praying goes away before my flight Thursday night), and I had an unbearable headache, which came out of no where!  My nose is still stuffy, and then of course mother-nature had to step in today as well (PMS-ing on top of everything else).  UGH!  So I've been in bed since I got home.. ate dinner, read some of my book.  And now about to call it a night.  Hopefully the more sleep I get, the chances of me getting better are greater.  I'm hoping as soon as I kick this cold's ass, I'll be back to blogging everyday.. but it's hard when you don't feel crappy. LOL

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