Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm ALIVE!!!!

Wow!  Has it really almost been a month since I have blogged??

I can't even begin to tell you all what's been going on.. in my life and in my head!!  I've had zero time to sit down and do what I'm "newly" passionate about.. WRITING!  I wish I had all the time in the world to sit here, fill all of you in on my life.. sit down and work on my "project"... which is something I'm really motivated about doing and I eventually want to finish it (no where even close to the end of it).  But.. I'm just waiting for things to die down, for me to get some of my relaxed life back.

As most of you know my sister is getting married in October.  So, we started the wedding day countdown diet.  We're on this diet that I found a book on, called the 17 Day Diet.  It has 4 segments that consists of 17 days.  Today is the last day of our first segment.  So far my future brother-in-law has lost 22lbs, I've lost 8lbs, and my sister has lost somewhere between 8-10lbs.  Not too flabby.. oops, I mean shabby right?  I could say that it hasn't been hard, which it really hasn't... but it had it's times.  We start round 2 tomorrow, which we finally get to have carbs!!! (if you call brown rice, small baked potatoes, and corn carbs) LOL
So.. this diet... how does it take up my time?  Well, lets just say I am now qualified (in my head) as a food/health coordinator (in our household).  I've been making the grocery lists, doing the shopping with my mom, planning the meals out, making the meals (with the help occasionally from my sister and bro-in-law).  But, it's stressful.  Making sure we have enough eggs for the 3 of us the following day.. making sure I have all the ingredients to make dinner the next night.  I'm starting to dream of grocery lists!! This has proven, that I am definitely not ready to be a housewife!  Okay, well I take that back.. if there's only me and my husband.. I think I can handle it.  But, I feel like I should be on the next future housewives of the I.E.

So on top of the diet, I'm near the end of getting everything ready for my sisters bridal shower.
40 handmade invitations... check.
40 handmade take home gifts... check.
40 handmade thank you cards... check.
The list can go on, but my sister reads my blog, so I don't want to spoil the fun.  But on top of getting things ready for the shower, there is also the budgeting for the food, the rentals, etc.

So on top of the diet, and the shower... I'm also making their video montage to play at the reception, designing her wedding invitations and programs, which eventually we'll have to assemble together and mail them out.

Then there's trying to have a social life, without the life of going out and drinking with my friends because of course the diet doesn't include booze.  Go figures!  There's trying to go the gym, trying to look for a new job.. because sadly I'm getting to the point where I wake up every morning hating life because I don't want to go.  I feel like every morning I want to throw a little tantrum and kick and scream until someone tells me.. "It's okay, you don't have to go."  Then I'm trying to plan my 25th birthday, and also wanting to help my friend plan her book release party that's happening the end of October.

I think I'm officially ready for a vacation.  A week long vacation with no wedding stuff, no gym, no diet, no meal plans, no work...  I'm imagining a beach setting, with my hotel room facing the ocean, all I have to do is walk out the doors and I'm in the sand.  I'm sitting at a desk in my room, with my laptop, blogging and writing with the cool breeze blowing through the open doors, and I literally have nothing on my mind.  Clear as day.  I'm not worrying about my bank account, about my emails, about responding fast enough to phone calls/emails/text messages, not worrying about a damn thing.. cause I'm on VACATION.


A girl can wish, right?

I'll try to stay in touch, and update you guys.  It had been almost a week since I had turned on my laptop, and the only reason why I turned it on was because I was house-sitting last week. 

Until then.... <3

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