Wednesday, November 09, 2011

SWG... Sleep, Work, Gym

I was thinking of changing my Wednesdays... to Weird Wednesdays instead of Wednesdays Whine.  Only because I hate when people whine, and I hate when I'm one of those whiny people.  I'm trying to change my outlook on life... trying to look at everything with a positive outlook, make a difficult/sucky situation into a positive.  As hard as it may be.. I'm trying.


I'm going to whine today.  I'm exhausted.  I'm sleeping very well lately, so well.. that it puts me into an acomma, and it's very hard for me to wake-up... I'm sleeping so hard that my body aches cause I don't move during the middle of the night.  But am I exhausted from too much sleep, or not enough? Tricky question, right?  So aside from sleeping... Work.  I've been complaining for the last month or so, because half my time that I normally spend in my office is being spent as a cashier.  I stopped being a cashier like 4 years ago... so I was becoming a little overwhelmed trying to handle my office work on top of the "cashier" duties.  (It's actually time wasted sitting up at the front counter, doing tedious tasks and taking peoples money... I'll be honest and think my time is worth more than that).  So.. Monday comes around and am asked to take on the responsibilities of future events/promotions (since I am an 'event expert').  I accept the responsibilities, and am now coordinating the marketing/advertising aspect, the food, vendors, etc for all future events.  Fortunately there is only one event/promo every other month.. but being that we're in the middle of an event this week, I'm now trying to prepare food/event info for Saturday, on top of trying to find a printer and get mailers sent out in the next week or so for Black Friday... and also trying to plan our annual Christmas party... ON TOP of my normal day-to-day stuff, AND cashiering.  Tuesday rolls around, and I'm told/asked if I can train cashiers today.  WOOOHOOOO!! This means, I am no longer going to be spending every morning dealing with customers and can go back to enjoying sitting in my chair in my warm office with my coffee not dealing with customers asking retarded questions. ;) LOL  I would have to say, the last 2 days have flown by rather quickly at work.. training 2 girls (who are being called my minions), and handling event stuff (which I obviously love.. ), and then my normal day-to-day stuff... I can say there was a lot of pausing and trying to remember what I'm doing, a lot of 'sighing' the last 2 days.  But... I think I work best when I'm busy.  I stay awake. LOL  So we'll see how this goes.

Can I also whine about the gym? I've been trying to go, and to be honest... ok.. honestly, I'm not trying to go. LOL I want to go.. but I'm so tired by the time I get home, I'd rather not be there.  I have absolutely NO motivation.  But I did stand on the scale the other day... and I'm blaming my emotional eating habits on the older generation of my family.  Moms side, or Dads side.. I don't care.  I blame them.  I haven't weighed or been to the gym since August, and.. I've totally packed on a few pounds the last few months (the month before mom passed, the month of, and the month after).  Is it wrong to blame her? Just kidding... (Dads sick humor.. sorry if that was inappropriate.)  Anywho.. motivation, is needed.  Anyone have any ideas? LOL

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