Monday, February 28, 2011

Beautiful World by Jared Lee

Wow!  Finally... I found a song I wanted to talk about.. and I think it took be about 40 minutes to figure out how I can put it on my blog for you to hear.  First of all, the full song is no where to be found online, ANYWHERE!  So I bought it from iTunes, and had to figure out how to put it into a player.  Along with figuring that out, how to figure out how to upload it to a URL, but first change the format from m4a, to a mp3. SIIIGHH

So here's the song.. I heard it on American Idol as a background song. 
It's called Beautiful World by Jared Lee.

(Make sure you turn off my music player @ the bottom of my blog before you listen)

It's such a pretty song, he's also VERY cute! ;) Okay, back to reality...
I'm hoping I'll know when I'm ready to get into the "dating scene"... for those of you who are not "close" and don't know much about my personal life... let's just say where I have been in my life the last few years, I've dodged that bullet (not sure whether to be thankful or not)... but it's still too soon for me to get out there.  My heart isn't completely ready for that.  But I'm hoping when it is ready to let someone in again... I'll feel like he does.  That everything that I've been waiting for, praying for... has finally found its way to me.  And every curve ball that life threw me, every stepping stone that took me to get there, will be well worth it.

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