Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The 'Peaks' in Life

"That first peak is the best place to pause and look back, to see if you took the easiest route, to learn the lessons from the first climb. And it is the best place to examine the terrain ahead, to change your plans and goals, to take a deep breath and begin climbing again."
By Michael Johnson

After climbing that first peak, you think to yourself "Wow, I made it through this alive!"  Then you see what's in front of you, and you try to figure out how you're going to even pursue this next one.  Sometimes it's scary, sometimes you need a little push.  Sometimes you wish it was as easy as the first "peak".  Realistically, if it was just as easy... what good would that do you? What's behind you, is behind you... and it's behind you for a reason.  What good is it if you go through the same motions day in and day out, what good is it to pass by chances that may be offered, what good is it to stay where it's "safe".  You gain nothing.  We have to go through these "peaks", these situations that we're faced with, these challenges life throws at us - to gain, to grow as a person, to grow as an individual.  Looking back doesn't do anyone any good; the only good that comes from looking back is learning from your mistakes, and what 'to do' or 'not to do' the next time.  You don't want to end up back at the bottom of the first peak and climb that all over again, how boring and pointless would that be?  We climb through these peaks to finally reach the top.. to reach a point in our life where we are happy, where we are content. 

So, I'm officially taking the biggest breath I probably ever have in my life... putting the past behind me.  I've been stuck in this "funk" for the last week or so, ok I lied, the last few months... and I'm done.  I'm currently looking ahead, and will change my plans/goals accordingly to fit MY needs.  I'm going to start climbing again... whether or not I'm ready or prepared.  I'm not going to stand here looking back at what I just "climbed", and wish I can go back.  I climbed it, it's done... NEXT!!!!

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