Thursday, March 31, 2011

13 Thank You's....

So I got a little creative this Thursday.  I put a little, ok wait, A LOT more thought into this one.  I've been thinking a lot of those people who have helped me, guided me, adviced me (I just made up my own word), and have been there for me throughout my lifetime.  There are those who have been in my life for almost 20 years, some 10 years, some 7 years, some just a couple years, and some whom I have known my entire life - who I think have been there for me when I most needed it, on more than one occasion.  And as I sat here thinking, of all these people who have helped me and made a huge impact in my life.. if I had ever really truly thanked them.  So I sat here and wrote out 13 thank you cards for the top 13 people I think have made the biggest impact (excluding my immediate family...). Whether they made a huge impact on me recently, a long time ago, throughout the years, whatever it may be - they're card was either handed to them or mailed to them.  Some may actually be surprised that I consider them one of the top 13 people who've impacted my life - but those top 13 I'd like to keep anonymous.  But I'll share a little bit of what I was thankful for with each person (in no particular order):

1.  I'm thankful for this friend who would tell me what I needed to hear, even if it hurts.
2.  I'm thankful for this friend who I can honestly say that I can trust with my life.
3.  I'm thankful for this friend who has genuinely cared and has offered advice when I want it or not.
4.  I'm thankful for this friend who has given me so much support in anything I wanted to do or did throughout the years I've known them.
5.  I'm thankful for this friend who has been there through all the good and the bad, and is and always will be there.
6.  I'm thankful for this friend who gave our friendship a chance.
7.  I'm thankful for this friend who makes me talk when they can tell something is wrong.
8.  I'm thankful for this friend who has put up with me for almost 20 years.
9.  I'm thankful for this friend who's like an older sister, gives advice and lets me fight with her.
10.  I'm thankful for this friend who finally crossed over to my side (lol).
11.  I'm thankful for this friend who I know I can always count on.
12.  I'm thankful for this friend who came back into my life, and was there for me at the most perfect time.
13.  I'm thankful for this friend who listens to me day in and day out, without a choice.

A majority of you will be receiving your "thank you" by mail... a handful of you received it by hand.  But I think by reading this post, will clarify my reasoning for thanking you.  Though, it's not really a reason... just merely the thought of you and how I wanted you to know that I'm grateful for you being in my life and for who you are... my FRIEND. =)  Love you all!!!

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