Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The CURSED Pants!!!

Okay... I wasn't going to write about these pants until Friday.  But this can't wait.  Cause it's my only day to whine! ;)

Okay, so I got a pair of white jeans on sale for SUUUPER cheap, and they're normally like $50.  So I finally took off the tags a couple days ago and have been debating wearing them or not.  I knew there was a "time" that you couldn't wear pants, after labor day.  But how soon could you wear them?  I was told by my aunt, not until after Memorial Day.  So while getting dressed this morning, I figured... what the hell. I'm gonna wear them.. only because I know I'm leaving work early, so I anticipated sitting in my office all day and not getting dirty.

So.. here's how my morning went.  It took me over an hour to get to work, the 10-freeway was COMPLETELY stopped this morning.  I had to work my way onto the shoulder to follow the rest of the cars who were getting off the next exit.  Then... silly me obviously didn't know where the hell I was when I got off the Euclid exit (you have to turn down a street off the exit to get to Euclid), so I got somewhat lost, or just twisted around for a minute.  Then one thing after another happened at work.. I did NOT stay in my office the time I was there.  I think I spent more time running around (trying not to get dirty).  I have 2 customer accounts that I manage, of course BOTH of them call today NEEDING my help.  One of them included me driving down to Riverside to pick up product that was shipped wrong, and dropping off the correct product (and HAVING to go, and also HAVING to get back to Upland in time for my doctors appointment).  This was AFTER sending out a mass email to all of my email accounts apologizing for the hacker email that was sent out about "meds".  This was also AFTER I realized that, wearing white pants at this specific time of the month was NOT a good idea... (nothing happened, but just the thought of it paranoid me).  It felt like one thing after another, after another!! So as I sat there in between the little chaotic moments, my aunt and I just sat there laughing that these pants were the blame and that they are cursed.  So I am OFFICIALLY never wearing them to work again, and I'm actually hesitant on wearing them again, EVER!!  I told my aunt I may actually toss them... they were only like $5! (it was an AMAZING sale lol).  But for reals...  so I'm sitting here writing about them.. staring at them on my bedroom floor... CURSED!!! Better believe I changed my pants as soon as I got home, especially since I'm meeting with my new clients to sign their contract for my coordinating/planning services on their wedding day!! ;)

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