Tuesday, March 08, 2011

LIVE it & LOVE it!

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Mae West

I'm going deep today... we only live once.  Scary isn't it?  To think that world goes on, that everyone else still goes on with their daily lives even when we're gone.  So how do we decipher if we're doing it right or not?

I definitely know there have been times in my life, where once WAS enough.  Going through that awkward phase would say 5th through.. maybe 7th grade.. hitting puberty and finding out that life is more about school and softball. LOL  Freshman year of high school, yea that was a blast... NOT!  And plenty of other times that I'd rather not talk about...  but I know I wouldn't wanta do it again.
I'd like to think that I'm doing it right, living my life to the fullest.  I don't live with regrets, I take life day by day and I swing my hardest at each curve ball it throws at me.  I pursued my education as far as I could handle, I try to better myself as much as I can, I genuinely care about others.  I've experienced losing loved ones, have experience betrayal, have experienced amazing friendships, have experienced love...
Think I'm doing pretty good so far. 

Can't wait to see what else I can add to that list. =)  Do it right people, you only live once!  So stop sitting there and watching your life pass you by!  Take a risk, take a chance... on ANYTHING!  It's your LIFE... so LIVE it!!!

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