Thursday, March 03, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!!

Thankful Thursday... if any of you can't figure out what I will write about on Thursdays... I'll write about something that I'm thankful for! HA! Makes sense right?!? ;)

Anywho... today... I am thankful for my "mommy & daddy".  Today is their 27th Anniversary, and if they didn't get married on this day 27 years ago... I probably wouldn't be here.  I would be NOTHING without my parents.. obviously! lol  Okay, but on a serious note... through all of life's ups and downs, my parents are always there for me.  I may not always get along with them, or agree with them, or I admit there are days I can't stand them (sorry!)... but it's the truth.  It's nothing personal against them, if I can't stand them, I can't stand my whole family (for reals mom, don't get all upset, you know how I get in my moods! lol).  But the last couple months have been pretty difficult, for me... a lot has happened, and a lot has changed...and they've been here for me every step of the way.  Even though most of the time they had no idea what I was going through or what was wrong, my Dad was always there trying to cheer me up, make me laugh, chase me around the house saying I need a hug... my Mom was always there to ask little questions to see if I was ready to talk, and when I was ready, she was there to listen...  I don't know who I'd be, how I'd be or where I'd be without my parents.  They've supported me in everything I've done until now, and I know they'll be there until the end of time.  I know I don't tell you guys or show you guys how thankful I am for both of you... but I am.  THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO....AND I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!


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