Saturday, April 02, 2011

Oh-so Sweet...

So.. I'm currently thinking of another topic for Saturdays.  Because "Sinful Saturdays"... I feel like I'm just going to tell you if I made it to the gym or not and what I ate (or drank) that I shouldn't have.  I was just recently talking about this to one of my aunt's, and she mentioned how about "Satisfaction Saturdays?"... And then we said, no that wont work.. cause I'll still list what I ate. LOL  Like to day at Jessica's baby shower... I didn't eat the whole piece of cake, but I had a few bites.  I stayed away from the Jello shots, but I did have a cup of "Jungle Juice" (alcoholic).  I didn't eat the whole rice-crispy treat, but I ate half of it. They were all satisfying. So I ate what I worked out and sweated off at the gym this morning.  Ugh.

So I'm still thinking... Sleepy Saturdays? Where maybe I can just write about whatever I want?  Since I really don't have a "free" day.  But then again, I set my blog up like this so I have something to follow.. If I didn't have these set days - I'd get stuck back into the routine of posting quotes (hopefully not as depressing as my last blog, but then again.. I WAS going "through it"), or because my life seems to revolve around music - I'd talk about music. Hmm...

Sweet Saturday Delights... (thats cute!) What will I write about though?  It almost sounds like a dessert show, or a bakery.. thats a stinkin cute name (I wonder if I heard it somewhere... ) LOL

MAAAYBEEE.... since this is actually a huge part of my life - maybe I can incorporate me, my J-O-B into my blog.  Maybe Sweet Saturday Delights can be a post of about some kind of party idea, or decorating/design idea for an event... OH OH OH

Sweet Saturday Designs! Hmm - I believe a change is in the making.  We shall see...

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