Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm such a bad blogger some days... only the days that I don't have time to blog anything.  I told myself by buying the blog application on my iPhone, that I would use it when I know I won't have time to blog at home!  BUT, days like yesterday where I'm running errands, driving, and then meeting someone for dinner... I technically didn't have time.  And by the time I got home, I was ready to crash.  Soo, I guess today I'll have to do a 2-for-1. ;)

First, I want to say that I'm thankful that me and my friend met up for dinner last night.  Nicole and I went to high school together and played softball together for YEARS.  Well the last 2 years of my high school years, we got really close.  I graduated a year before her... and then occasionally saw her throughout the years.  Well, I would say about 2 years ago I asked her to play on our slow-pitch softball team.. and we've been close friends since!  It's amazing to have those friends in your life that no matter how much time has gone by, when you see each other.. you can pick up right where you left off!  I have a few other friends like that in my life, where I may not see them in like a year.. and when we see each other - it's not awkward, it's not uncomfortable.. we just pick right back up like no time has passed.  I LOVE having friends like that.  It makes life so much easier.  LOL  Anywho... so Nicole and I had dinner and drinks.  We caught up with what's gone on in each others lives (mind you, it's probably been like 2-3 months since we last "caught up"... so it hasn't been THAT long)... but still, when you're used to seeing someone every Tuesday to play ball and gossip... and then the team goes on 'hiatus'... you need that Tuesday just to talk! LOL But we talked, caught up and laughed, a lot.  We both had such a good time, that it was definitely worth it waking up tired as hell! ;)

As far as fashion goes... I came across this website (by clicking on a side ad on Facebook).  It's actually a really cool concept, and Kim Kardashian is one of the co-founders and stylists.  The site is called ShoeDazzle, (  Now, I can't tell you EXACTLY how it works, I've yet to purchase something from them.  But you go to the site, and you create a login - then you take a "style profile quiz".  Which is actually fun; they give you like 5 or so pictures of shoes/handbags/jewelry to choose from.  Asking you, which would you most likely find in your closet?  Which one is your closet lacking? And it goes on.. it only takes a few minutes. Then based on your selection, the stylists put together their recommendation of your "show room".  Each month, your "show room" has different items.  I logged in today, (mind you the only reason why I logged on, was because the ad on Facebook had these really fun heels, and mentioned something about Katy Perry, so I clicked on it.. shame on me. LOL)  But, if you don't like what's in your show room, you can request alternates, select what you're looking for, and the stylists update your show room within the next 5 business days.  Everything is only $39.95 with what I believe to have read was free shipping.  You earn style points by purchasing items, and also earn points by recommending friends.  Then you can redeem your style points for credits towards future purchases!  It looks like a really cool site, and as an entrepreneur... is a really cool concept!  When I have more spending money, or see a pair of shoes that I'm absolutely going to die if I don't have them... I'll have to buy them and then let you all know about my experience! =)

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