Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why Being a Girl SUCKS!!!

Here are my top 10 reasons why being a girl sucks, I did read a few articles that helped me back-up my reasoning... but I truly feel these are the worse top 10.

1. "Happy Periods" don't exist - your tired, cranky, achy, and did I mention the bloating?? UGHH!!

2. Bras.. SUCK!! Worst invention ever... yea they could be cute, hot, sexy... but they SUCK!!

3. We can't pee standing up... it makes road-trips and other outside events annoying. And our bathroom lines are always soooo much longer than guys'. And, we really need the bathrooms to be "clean", or else it's completely disgusting. And speaking of peeing, we're more prone to urinary tract infections... which are NOT FUN!

4. I'm not a Mommy yet.. but I've heard the 9-months of carrying a baby is bittersweet. It's an experience I can't wait to experience... BUT... do you know what having a baby(ies) does to our bodies?!?!? HELLLOOO stretch marks (not only on our tummys), weight gain, and other things I won't mention for the sake of my male readers.

5. There a men out there who like to degrade women and make them feel nasty by whistling, howling or barking at them (yes, this happened to me this morning and I was livid; funny thing was a guy at work was trying to make me feel better saying that it was a compliment LOL) But some men think it's okay to talk to women like they're trash or like they're stupid, some men think it's okay to look at women like they're meat. Some men like to play games, to see who can "get the girl". It's degrading.

6. Double standards in the business/corporate world. Women are held to a much higher standard than men.
Talking: Men are networking; women are gossiping.
Making mistakes: Men are seen as risk takers; women are seen as incompetent.
Arguing: Men are debating; women are being catty.
You can see this all being true, whether or not you would like to agree with me.

7. Relationships, sexuality and "the dating world". It's okay for men to talk/date a few women at a time; and its okay for men to openly talk about things. But if a woman is dating/talking to a few men at a time, and if they openly talk about things.. they are seen as sluts, whores, and tramps (tried to express my opinion in a PG matter).

8. Physical appearance. First off, women are judged a hell of a lot more on their body size, weight and looks. I think women are more accepting to men and their looks, and I think men have higher standards as to what "their" girl looks like. Secondly, the whole hair coloring, nails and toes done, make-up thing... guys don't have to go through and spend money to get these done. Society, somewhere along the line has screwed us over, but yet we all do it cause we "love" to and feel that we "have" to; cause we won't look "good". We are expected to wax and shave... everything.

9. We have a tendency to over analyze things. We forgive, but we never forget. It's not sociably acceptable to drink or to cuss. As much as I hate admitting this, girls are backstabbers, and they're drama. A close guy friend of mine said the other day "Guys are drama when it comes to relationships; but girls are drama just about everything... they're ruthless!" (I don't think he used the word 'ruthless', but it was something along those lines).

10. I LOVE shoes, don't get me wrong... but I would KILL to see a man go one day in a pair of heels... oh and throw in a pair of spanx and pantyhose while you're at it.

Now, I'm not saying that I would trade my vag for a penis. No thank you, I wouldn't even consider it! I love being a girl... but there are those days, like today... when I feel like a bleeding beached whale who gets howled at while walking into work... just makes me think that guys have it so much easier than we do. There's a challenge to being a girl, which makes it that much better than being a guy. But, it's not that easy...

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