Thursday, April 07, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why I'm THANKFUL for Being a Girl!!

So it’s definitely hard to sit here and list 10 reasons why I love that I’m a girl and why I’m thankful for being a girl.  I got to whine about being one yesterday… but I thought if I listed out the reasons why I’m thankful for being one, it won’t seem as bad and it will make me feel better.

1.  We can do something that is no way humanly possible for a guy to do.  We can carry a life within ourselves, and bring it to life.  Yes, we need a guy to make that happen; but after it’s conceived – we really don’t NEED a guy to bring it to life; but of course we WANT and will NEED their help later. ;)
2.  I can wear any color I want, sport any kind of hairstyle I want, paint my nails if I want and wear make-up if I want.  I can dress myself in accessories from head to toe without being labeled as a “metrosexual”.  Girls have variety, which guys don’t.  It’s also okay to be fashionably late and to take hours to get ready!
3.  You’ve heard that a wedding is all about the bride right? I get to show off my AMAZING talent (which is planning the thing lol), show off an AMAZING dress, my AMAZING shoes, my AMAZING hair and make-up… I do know it’s more than just a day that revolves around me;  but being currently single, and no where close to having a wedding – I can say that a wedding is pretty much dedicated to the bride. ;)
4.  Where there is cleavage, there is a way.  Yes, I know… not very ladylike.  But… a little cleavage, a little smile, a little batting of the eyes…  girls can do anything!  Get drinks for free, check. Get into clubs for free, check.  Get a guy to change your tire on the side of the freeway, check.  Get a guy to move/carry something for you, check.  The list can go on..!!
5.  I can cry and be emotional in public without being called weak.  I can cuddle with a teddy bear without being judged.  And if I get kicked between the legs, it hurts… but I don’t fall to the ground in pain with a high-pitched voice.
6.  It’s nice to feel that you’re okay, that you’re safe and protected when with a guy.  There’s no other feeling like that.
7.  I was born to multi-task.  As a kid I multi-tasked with dolls, softball, my siblings; today I multitask with a job, friends, boys, getting my company up and running, gym; and tomorrow I will multitask with a set career, housework, husband, kids, and hobbies.
8.  I can live through countless hormone changes, blink back my tears and still manage to smile and make everyone happy and make them believe I’m happy-go-lucky.
9.  I have options.  I can be independent or co-dependent. I can work or stay home. I can be a nurse or a doctor.  I can work in the corporate world, I can join the army.  I can wear pants or I can wear a dress.  I can wear sneakers or a pair of stilettos. 
10.  I am the epitome of sacrifice, affection, modesty, strength, compassion, sincerity, & beauty : I am a woman.

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