Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctors Schmoctors

I hate the doctors.  I really do.  With a passion.  I had my "lady" doctors appointment this morning; which was a follow up from my cyrosurgery in January.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed (for my sanity's sake, and health's sake LOL) that the results come out normal.  And the last few days I've been unsure if my stuffy nose is a result of allergies or a cold; I was thinking allergies... but up until I needed to start using my inhaler 5x a day (when I haven't used it in 2+ years), and when I felt like my throat was a little swollen this morning.. I started to think that maybe it wasn't allergies.  But then looking back, my cold really has never gone away since Stagecoach.  So I called the doctors this afternoon, and luckily they're able to squeeze me in tomorrow afternoon.  Yes, I'm whining, only because that's $$ I'm spending at every kind of doctor visit!! I'm also whining cause my body likes to play games on me, when I don't have $$ or time for games! LOL This makes it even harder because I feel completely fine other than the nose and the not being able to breathe... but I need to make sure I kill this before I leave next Thursday night (Phoenix bound to visit one of the besties and her fam... which includes a newborn!!)  So I'm hoping he can give me something to kill this cold off, give me maybe a different kind of inhaler (cause I'm doubting I'm needing it right now for asthmatic reasons, it might be this chest cold... I never used to need my inhaler after every time I laughed LOL), and hopefully he can give me another refill on my inhaler for my asthma (so I don't have to go back later)... OMG.. all that equals more $$$$$!!! Holy moly.... 

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