Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Battling it out...

"Be kinder than necessary - for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
-Author Unknown

While out in Arizona, Jackie had taken me to a cute little boutique shop, and we saw this quote written down on a chalkboard.  We both instantly fell in love with the quote, and as soon as we saw it, I told her "Tuesdays Inspiration!" LOL

But back to the quote... it's soo true.  I have to remember, just because I'm having a bad day (when I do), I have to remember to not let that effect me and and my attitude towards others.  Everyone has those days, we all know that.  But everyone is fighting some kind of battle; whether it be a financial battle, a health battle, a relationship battle, a work battle...the list can go on!  But everyone is battling at least something.  So that doesn't give us any right to treat someone poorly, just because we feel we deserve we can because of what we're going through.

I have this quote written down and hung up in my room, so I see it when I walk out my door.  I'm 100% guilty for taking my anger/frustration out on others who don't deserve it.  I actually just sort of did that to a co-worker right now before I sat down to write this blog... but I'm hoping by seeing and reading that quote everyday, will help me as I leave my room/my house... to remember, everyone is fighting a battle, the world does NOT just revolve around me! ;)

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