Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wings, eBay, & Muscle Relaxers

Sunday's Seven, for those who weren't following me on my previous blog... is where I list 7 things that I did or that happened this week.

1. Figured out how to download apps and work my iPhone! Absolutely LOVE it!

2.  Some of you may know that I don't eat meat that is still on the bones (ribs, wings, etc.) - so after deciding we (boys from work and myself) were going to BWW, when I told them I don't eat meat off the bones, I was asked... "umm, you don't eat boneless wings?" HAHA... uhh... never thought about that! So went to BWW and had boneless wings and a Snakebite. Yum!

3.  Thursday was my Santa Anna/Anaheim drive to visit customers.  I decided to be random, and put on my Classic Rock playlist... my drive has never been better... it consisted of The Beatles, Aerosmith, Pat Benatar and a little bit of Queen, a little bit of The Cars. They completed my day!

4. eBay has been my addiction this whole week.  I blame it for getting a new phone and needing a case, and a car charger.  But not only did I order those, I bought a new VS water bottle after I dropped mine and it cracked. =( I was very upset.  I'm also "watching" a book from The Knot regarding flowers... lol But my addiction didn't stop there... I listed my BlackBerry and all of it's accessories, and also listed my iPod Nano (THAT IVE HAD FOREVER!)

5.  Hit the gym... once this week. BLAH! Between not sure if I'm feeling good and not getting enough sleep... it moved down to the bottom of my "priority list".

6.  Since Friday night I've been on ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, tons of water, and a heating pad.  This isn't my normal "back spasms" that I normally have, and its VERY uncomfortable.  But I think I may be feeling a little better... but made my weekend pretty crappy!!

7.  And now, gotta finish up with some stuff cause I have a meeting  with a potential client (bride) today!! 

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