Saturday, March 05, 2011

Chocolate Covered Oreos

Saturdays Sins... my sins may not always occur on Saturdays, but this is my day to write about them, or it... whatever.  So yesterday, a friend and I were messaging on Facebook cause she wanted to find out pricing on my Cake Balls.  So I started quoting her pricing, and telling her options.  She had mentioned something about cupcakes also, so I offered her all of my "baking" services.  She then mentioned she would make the cupcakes, but she was also going to make chocolate covered Oreos.  Pretty much dip the Oreos in the same chocolate I do for my Cake Balls... so sitting at work half way through the day, I was craving one of these oreos dipped in chocolate.

So I confess... after work I went to the store and bought Oreos, then I was attacked by a Girl Scout troop who convinced me to buy a box of Samoas.  UGHHH LOL.  So thinking I was totally gonna go to the gym last night, I'd work off these cookies.  Well then my back decides to spazz out (which occurs every so often, but this time was  BAD, not even muscle relaxers or ibuprofen took the pain away - which, btw.. I did not take at the same time lol).  So I didn't end up at the gym, but I did end up eating a couple Samoas, and then later last night ended up making those chocolate dipped Oreos.. which made me sick to my stomach because it reminded me of the Cake Balls, and they were waaaay too sweet.  But I do recommend them to those who like my Cake Balls... I could totally see me making these and decorating these as well.  But I feel completely guilty.. Samoas, Chocolate Covered Oreos... forgive me gym, for I have sinned. ;)

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