Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Adventure

So the last week or so, I have had the feeling that there's something missing in my life.  I mean I have amazing friends and family.  Boys aren't on the agenda right now, so even though I don't have one in my life, I actually prefer it that way for now.  I have a million and one things going on.  I'm working (2 jobs, but one I wouldn't consider a J-O-B, it's mainly a passion I get paid to do). ;) I have my clients wedding next week, then I have Stephs bridal shower to plan, and help her with any other wedding stuff.  I just got started back onto my gym routine, I'm back to blogging. But there's still a piece of me that feels like the outcome of my entire agenda, is for other people. What am I doing for myself?  Okay, yea the gym. Whoopiee! (Hence the sarcasm). ;)

So as busy as I am, I've decided and have toyed with the idea of adding another project up in the mix.  At dinner a few weeks ago, my grandmother told me my "back-up" plan for a job should be in journalism.  I've always enjoyed writing, even as a kid.  I've written a few decent poems in a poetry class I took in college; I absolutely loved it.  But never once considered doing something like that, for reals.  When my grandmother had said that, I was really taken aback.  I've heard from a few people how much they've enjoyed my blog, but I was thinking it was because of the content, not the context.  My sister chimed in after my grandma had said that I have a way with words, and had said that she ENJOYS reading my blog.  I make it interesting and enjoyable, then a few others agreed.  Some were saying they could see me as a journalist, or a columnist in a magazine.

Huh?!? Really?!? Okay....

Since then, the thought of me writing for a job has been playing around in the back of my head.  Does that mean if I wanted to pursue a career in journalism I'd have to go back to school?? UGGHH!!  So then I thought I should just write.  I mean, I write everyday on this blog (some I write more than others, but still.. it's a start right?) 

Well, I've been sitting on this "idea/concept" for the last 2 weeks; but hadn't said anything to anyone until last night. Although the last week I've felt really "low", and emotional... I feel like writing and letting out all my emotions might help and make a really good piece; and also make me feel better.  My friend, AKA future business partner, was nothing but excited, supportive, and truly believes in me and my "idea" after I told her.  She's offered her support, criticism, and advice.  Once I was told that my "idea/concept" wasn't a stupid one, and that someone other than myself believes it has great potential... that was my go ahead.  In the words of my amazing friend, "Heree weeee goooo... a new adventure!  Fun fun!!"

I'm starting to think that's what's been missing... Something new.  Excitement.  Challenging.  So here we go!

"Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness."
-Julia Cameron

"Creativity comes from trust.  Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work."
-Rita Mae Brown

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