Sunday, May 08, 2011

Seven Reasons Why I'm Sorry

Good morning & Happy Mother's Day to all my motherly readers!!

I'm hoping from here on out I'll be able to get back to consistently blogging... this last week has been a whirlwind! Let's start with where I left off last week... here are my seven reasons why I haven't blogged and why I'm sorry for leaving you all clueless to what's been going on the last week.. I know you were ALL worried and stressed cause I hadn't blogged.. ;)

1. Last Friday morning (after making cake balls and getting creative with wrapping a baby shower gift), I was able to catch up on my beauty sleep... or at least I think I did.  Went into work at 11, left at about 10pm.  We had our "Moonlight Madness Sale" at work, and let me tell ya... MADNESS!!  After that Josh and I were supposed to head down to LA to meet Bobby and other friends for his birthday celebration.  Unfortunately, then ended up bar hopping; and by the time Josh and I got dressed and headed down there... we figured we'd only have like an hour or so before all the bars and stuff started closing.  I was also afraid that by the time we'd get down there, they'd be ready to call it a night... so getting all dressed up and wearing heels, driving and spending the gas over to LA to bar hop for maybe 20 minutes than head home.. just wasn't worth it.  So I came home, finished packing and drove off to Indio for the weekend... here I come STAGECOACH!!

2. So I arrived in Indio Friday night; found Cindy and Brian met up with a friend to say hello, had  a couple drinks and went to bed.  But I layed in bed for like 2 hours cause I downed a Monster on the drive; and that kept me up ALLL night.  So Saturday morning, woke up and got ready for the day.  Hung out at the trailer and watched drunk, hungover or sober people walk up and down our street.  Started drinking at like noon, headed over to the venue to park our chairs for the concerts later... went back to the trailer, drank some more.  Walked around our RV lot, made fun of people.  Went back to the trailer, drank some more.  Headed back to the venue, drank some more. Watched Chris Young, Darius Rucker... while drinking some more.  Finally met up with my BFF (Bobby) and his girlfriend and family... hung out with them for a little bit.  They left, I went back to Cindy and Brian... watched Kenny Chesney (he made me cry).  Went back to the trailer, drank some more and ended up drunk texting a friend that was there... we were texting back and forth until I went into the trailer to pee, and ended up knocking out.  Then I woke up a few hours later to a stuffy nose, coughing, headache... so I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol consumed, or if I was getting sick.  So my wonderful aunt that she is, got me some Emergen-C.  And woke me up 5min after she gave it to me and made me drink it ALL! lol I woke up Sunday morning covered in my own used tissue with a massive headache... took a shower (which helped alot), but my nose was still messed up and I had a feeling there were drugs involved for that day.  Thankfully Cindy's friend had meds, so I was loaded on meds all day, which means no drinking for me (okay, okay.. I had like 3 beers the whole day).  Sunday morning I ended up meeting Bobby and his people at the venue to mark our spot and put our chairs down for Sunday's concerts.  Bobby and his gf and her sister came back with me to the RV, hung out for a bit; walked around the RV lot and stopped to say hello to a friend... went back to our RV, hung out for a bit more... then they left back to the venue.  I took more drugs then knocked out in a chair in front of our RV, then soon woke up to some random guy in my face holding out his hand. LOL (I guess this guy walked by and introduced himself to Cindy, I had sunglasses on so he didn't know I was sleeping.. then I woke up with him in my face.. and I hear Cindy say.. uhh shes sleeping!) LOL So after that we all headed to the venue and watched Easton Corbin, and Josh Turner (who I love even MORE now that I saw him live).  Somewhere in between them playing, I realized that the parking lot my car was parked in closes from 9pm-1am.  Cindy and Brian had already decided they're leaving in the middle of Carrie Underwood because the RV lot closed at 9pm also... Bobby and his group stayed at a hotel and they were leaving that night... so I had no choice to get to my car and leave before 9.  Which Carrie Underwood (who was AMAZING!!!) was over at 8:45, so I had to hightail my sick butt to a parking lot which I had no idea where it was in 15min to get to my car so I could leave that night.  Which means... no watching Rascal Flatts for me. =( Trust me, I was completely bummed... then I was pissed when I get to the lot and they end up telling everyone that they're not closing it.  If I wasn't sick and tired, I would have walked back... but it wasn't a short walk and felt like crap so I just left.

3.  Monday I had to go to work, cause I have a customer I visit every Monday morning.  I woke up feeling like crap, but wasn't TOOOO bad.  Throughout the day I just kept feeling worse and worse.  So I left work about 2ish, came home ate and took some NyQuil.  Probably knocked out about 3, then woke up at like7:30ish... Mom was making dinner so I told her to wake me up at 9 so I can eat and take more meds... she did, then I went back to bed and woke up at 7am the next morning. 

4.  I wouldn't have gone to work on Tuesday, but given that I had received like 15 million emails (okay, fine... I'm exaggerating just a little); but I had to go into work for a bit.  But after like 15 hours of sleep, was still exhausted and feeling like crap. So I went to work... still feeling like crap.  Mind you, I blow my nose VERY loudly... so when I have to blow my nose at work, I go into the bathroom... I was so crappy that I didn't even care, I didn't have the strength to keep walking back n forth to blow my nose, so instead I stayed in the office.. and ended up getting called an elephant, and then Snuffaluphagus (by my boss). LOL Went home about 1-2 and did the same thing.  Went home and ate, took some NyQuil and slept another 15 hours.

5.  Wednesday I felt a little better.  Still took drugs, but my body wasn't as heavy and was just stuck with the aftermath of getting all the crap that accumulated out of my body (coughing stuff up and blowing stuff out) LOL Sorry if I grossed anyone out... but finally Wednesday I wasn't as out of it and was able to pay bills and do other stuff that I wasn't mentally able to do. Went and grabbed frozen yogurt after work, met Tristan and the boys and ate our yogurt.. then went home!

6.  Thursday felt A LOT better.  Worked a full day, Tristan came over after work to hangout and made dinner with me.. Yuumm Taco Salad!  Watched Tangled (totally recommend watching that movie if you haven't), then took Trit home.  Friday had another "catch-up" dinner with Erin; right after work I stopped and picked up a few T-shirts for the walk this weekend, met Erin at Red Robin, then went to Old Navy and grabbed my Mama's Mother's Day present, then headed over to Walmart and grabbed stuff a baby shower gift and stuff for Saturday morning.  Stopped by Yogurtland on my way home, then called it a night!

7.  Woke up at 5am, got out of bed at 5:30... got ready.  Everyone (Tristan, Desiree, Shannon and Sarah) were here at the house and them and the fam (everyone but Dad and Robby) headed out to LA (finally left the house at 6:30) and drove out to the Revlon Walk all in our camo shirts.  FINALLY parked, met up with Jo and Robert who were also walking with us, got our shirts/bags, walked around to see the vendors, then finally made it and did the walk!  After the walk drove over to Casa Sanchez for lunch, then Trit and I headed over to a friend of ours (Ashley Macias) baby shower... which we still were dressed in our walking outfits and completely pooped.  We stayed long enough to play a game, and chit chat, but then were both exhausted so we left.  Trit was hosting a dinner with close friends that night, so she had to get home.. I was just pooped.  Came home and uploaded a crapload onto facebook, and went to sleep!

So.. as you can tell, I've had a loooong, craaazzy, siiiickly, and sleeepy week.  I took a small nap yesterday after uploading pictures on facebook, and I felt like crap... Mom and I hoped that I wasn't sick and was just tired.  But when I woke up this morning, I still had my stuffy nose.. but felt fine.  THANK GOD!

Here are some pictures from the walk!!  Enjoy!!!

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