Saturday, May 14, 2011

"The Unknown Aunt"

So, I'm officially changing Saturdays to "Sweet Nothing Saturdays".  This is my free day to talk about anything and everything I want (thanks Jac for the idea).

This week while looking for specific pictures, my mom came across a "story" I had started writing/typing in 1998. 1998... I was, 11-12.  After reading it, wondering where the heck my mind was in that day and age... or what movie I had recently seen, or book that I recently read - I laughed and knew I had to share it. Who would have known 13 years later in my mid-20's I'd be interested in writing again, and trying to incorporate writing as a way of making a living/income.

Enjoy, and feel free to laugh, just no making fun! ;)

"The Unknown Aunt"


The night was scary.  Liz and Greg (brothers and sisters) had stayed the night at their Aunts.  Their Aunt lives about 200 miles away from home.  They both think there Aunt is a witch.  She looks old, and moves slowly but she’s only 39.

They stayed over there because their Mom and Dad were in an accident.  They are at the hospital right now.  Their parents might not live.  Their Aunt was adopted by their Grandmother.  So they don’t know who or where she really is and came from.  Nothing happened the first night, but here is what happens the next day………

Chapter 1
The Morning

Liz and Greg woke up they both ran to the mirror to see if they were themselves.  They have already stayed the night.  All of a sudden the phone rang in that room.  “ That phone never rings,” said Liz.  “Look it’s not hooked up,” said Greg.  Liz said,” Let’s get out of here!”  “Wait, shouted Greg, lets listen and see what happens.” Liz picked it up and said, “Hello?”  The person on the other line started screaming then laughing or should I say cackling.  Liz said, “Who’s this?” “Oh, is Jannicke there,” said the person on the other line.  Liz hung up.  They both went downstairs their Aunt was just sitting there.  Greg said, “Good morning Aunt Jannicke.”  Their Aunt stared at them walking towards them not blinking then started screaming!  Liz said,”What’s the..the..the..matter?
“Aunt Jannicke,” said their Aunt.  “Aunt Jannicke is the matter!” “What did you do when you woke up………..tell me!!!”  Liz and Greg told her the whole thing.  “Are you mad at us,” said Liz.  “No,” said their Aunt you did the right thing.  “Who was that?” asked Liz.  “My mom,” said their Aunt. “You said your mom was dead,” said Greg.  “She is, just forget about the whole thing ok kids?”  “OK,” they both said at the same time.

Chapter 2
The Afternoon

            They got a call on the Real phone.  It was their moms’ sister.  She had said that their mom and dad had died.  They both started crying.  Their Aunt tried to cheer them up but she couldn’t.  “Hey, said Greg if your mom is dead, can our mom and dad talk to us on that real funky phone?”  “I don’t quite know, maybe!” said their Aunt.  “When can we find out,” murmured Greg trying not to be so rude.  “Right now!” their Aunt said.  “Let’s go in the room next to your room,” said Jannicke.

Chapter 3
The Phone

            “O.K. you guys, on this paper here write the birthday, the name, age, their address, and when they got married,” said Aunt Jannicke.  So Liz and Greg did that.  Their Aunt typed it up on a typewriter, then sent it somewhere.  Later that day the unhooked phone rang, Greg and Liz picked it up said, “Hello?”  It was their parents.  They talked for about three hours.  And once in awhile they would all say,” We love and miss you very much.”  Then they finally hung up.  They had lunch.  They had a delicious meal.” Mmmm, said Liz, my favorite Nachos and Dr.Pepper.  Then after they had two scoops of Chocolatechip cookiedough ice-cream.  They were real hungry without breakfast that morning.

Chapter 4
What Now?

            They didn’t know what to do next.  Then there Aunt had an idea.  “I have two bikes in the garage why don’t you take those look around in the neighborhood.  When you get bored run by the store grab two dozens of eggs for me and one gallon of milk and go ahead and get yourselves something,” said their Aunt.  “O.K;” said Greg not very excited.  So they went and did that.  While they were gone their Aunt was busy as a bee!  Well Jannicke called her mom on the unhooked phone and told her everything.  “From now on call me on the real phone because the kids are using it to talk to their parents,” said Jannicke.  “O.K.” said her mom.  Then she had to talk to the kids parents.  “Hi, she said, I have to ask a couple of questions, “Who do you want the kids to live with,” said Jannicke.  “We want them to live with you,” the parents said at the same exact time.  “Where are their ID cards, so I know what their allergic to,” asked Jannicke.  “In the drawer next to the phone,” said their mom.  And is it alright if they can talk to you once or twice a week,” said Jannicke out of breath.  “Sure,” said their dad chuckling. “Alright, I’ll talk to you guys later bye,” said Jannicke.  “Bye,” they said together.  Jannicke quickly drove to the kids old house, packed everything, and got the ID cards in the drawer.  That took about two hours.  Liz and greg were already home, they had a key just in case a situation happened like that.  So they got on the house, put the eggs in the refrigerator, they already ate their stuff on the way home.  After they put the eggs in the refrigerator they fell asleep.  Jannicke got home and fell asleep with them.

Chapter 5
The News

They woke up around dinnertime.  “Where did all these boxes come from,” asked Liz.  “Your house,” said their Aunt.  “Are we living with you,” asked Greg.  “Yes,” their Aunt said.  They looked at each other like they saw a ghost.  They had a lot of questions to ask.  After the questions they figured out which room they wanted, and put all their stuff in it.  They have separate rooms and they were proud of it.  They were both fighting over the unhooked phone.  Luckily Aunt Jannicke had another unhooked phone.  After Liz said something that shouldn’t have been said, ”Are you some kind of nice witch or something?”  “What?”, said their Aunt, “well kind of but you can’t tell anyone or you’re living on the streets!”  “Oh!  You can talk to your parents once a week instead of once a month,” said Jannicke.  “That’s alright with me,” Liz and Greg agreed.  Later that night they watched the movie they got at the store, Goosebumps.  They got scared and went to bed.
            Liz had a dream that her Aunt was a real mean witch.  She woke up and saw her Aunt killing her brother she started screaming.  It turned out that she was still sleeping.  Her Aunt woke her up you were having a bad dream it’s ok, it’s ok.  Liz was praying to God that it was a bad dream.  Then she went in Greg’s room there was red spots on his bed!  And he was gone!  Liz asked her Aunt where Greg was.  She said he was in the bathroom. “Probably dead,” Liz was thinking.  Liz asked her Aunt why there were red spots on his bed.  Her Aunt said Greg was hungry he had a juicy hamburger and those red spots were ketchup.  Liz thanked God that her Aunt didn’t kill her little brother.

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