Wednesday, March 02, 2011

High Maintenance?!?!?

So some of you are probably wondering, what the heck is "Wednesday's Whine?"  I realized in my previous blog, I was spending a lot of time complaining, or "whining"... so I have now limited myself to complain and whine one day a week.  Wednesday worked best because it's in the middle of the week. ;)  The only thing that stinks about designating a day to whine, is what happens when I'm in a good mood, and am having a hard time trying to think of something to complain about (like today)? LOL Well, I'm only half way through the day now..maybe I'll hold off and wait till tonight, I may have something then. ;)

5 hours later....

Okay... I found something.  So I was reading something the other day and it got me thinking.  It was a story about this guy who noticed this REALLY pretty girl, but it was someone he wouldn't normally go for because he could tell she was "high maintenance".  So he avoided her and never thought about approaching her until they were faced to talk to each other (they worked in the same building).  She wasn't "high maintenance" at all, she dressed and carried herself for the reason of portraying the right image for her business.  And they ended up falling in love, yadda yadda yadda...

So it got me thinking... I like to dress nice.  I like to make sure that I'm well put-together (hair, makeup).  And I like to be fun and wear hair accessories and big, weird funky jewelry.  But how many people out there think that I'm "high maintenance", just because I like to look nice??  Hasn't anyone ever heard of the "don't judge a book by it's cover"?? This applies... x10! So I asked one of my BFF's (who is a guy), and asked if he thought if I was "high maintenance".  He said... "If I didn't know you, and just saw you... yes.  But because I know you.. I don't think you are at all."  Then he explained to me how there are different definitions of being "high maintenance."  He said I'm "high maintenance" because of the way that I dress, and my appearance.  Then he said there's another kind of "high maintenance", which has to do with your personality.  Someone who's emotional, needy, turns on the dramatics, is up and down...

Personally... I'm not sure (if I had to chose), which one I'd rather be??  You either look "high maintenance", and you intimidate guys and it limits the amount of guys who come up and talk to you, but those who are smart and get to know you, realize you're NOT ---OR---You as a person (personality wise) are "high maintenance".. where the guys come up and talk to you because you don't LOOK "high maintenance" and they don't have a reason to be intimidated, but once they get to know you (obviously after you're somewhat involved with each other), they realize how "high maintenance" you are, and leave.

I'm officially complaining that guys... or anyone, should not judge a person by their appearance.  Now every morning I get dressed... [wait a minute.. not every morning, cause I don't care what people at work think]... but now everytime I get dressed to go out... I feel like I'm going to have to downplay who I am, to not intimidate people, to not intimidate those guys who fears a girl who looks "high maintenance".  And for those who REEAALLLY know me... I hope you know I'm not "high maintenance"... Yes, I like to get my hair done, get my nails done... but solely for the reason because I like to look my best, I like to look nice.
I dress to impress... and in one of the "beliefs" I wrote down in my "About Me" section on my homepage (if you haven't read it, go read it).. I believe elegance can be casual.  =)

As much as you'd think that I'd be sitting here with a glass a wine, being all "high maintenance" and elegant and propose a toast saying "here's to the guys who love us, the losers who lost us, and the lucky bastards that get to meet us" [author unknown]... I'm off to go have a couple beers with my boys. HAHA!


Jackie said...

(Love you -- can't wait for you to teach Ali that stuff...haha)

Val said...

It doesn't take me 3 hours anymore... and it always took me so long at your house cause I had to take breaks blow drying cause I was sweating up a storm in your bathroom! lol (Im not used to blow drying in a bathroom, its too confined in there!) HAHA! And plus, when I get ready in the mornings, I'm half asleep.. so half the time I'm getting ready, the other half Im sitting there trying to wake up. lol

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