Friday, April 01, 2011

Facial Piercings...

Okay, I could totally go into this post more into depth... but.. I'm on a time limit tonight.  So, facial piercings... I was at the gym last night, and had to look at this guy like 2-3 times to figure out what the heck was sparkling under this guys eye... it was a piercing.  Which first of all, in the location... was ugly.. second of all, if it was cute at all, I think it would have looked better on a girl.  So then it got me thinking... there are some piercings that girls can get away with better than guys, and vice versa.  Examples? You know I got em'!!

This is what the guy had, that I saw at the gym... it's random.  I mean, I know every piercing is random.. but, really??

I'm not a fan of these cheek piercings... but if anyone looks better, I would say the girl.

Nose piercings... I obviously like them, I have one.  But I really don't think guys can pull of the stud.

Now I know these are 2 diff piercings... but as for the "hoops" go for nose piercings - I think you have to have the "attitude" to wear it like Pink, but don't think guys can pull of her kind of hoop.  As for the bull ring type thing... I think guys can pull that off more than girls.  But.. not really a fan of guys having nose rings.

Tongue rings?  I think are cool for both genders.. and I'm not against them at all.  If it weren't for my profession, I'd want to get my tongue pierced.

I think eyebrow piercings are straying away, you don't see too many people who have them.  Again, this is one I'm not really a fan of for either sexes.. but, if anyone looks better.. would have to say the girl.

Labret... looks better on guys without a doubt. 

As far as lips go, for the "single" piercing... I don't like the 3rd picture at all (I forgot what this piercing is called), the Monroe piercing (middle) is more common, its cute..  but only a girl should be getting that pierced... and lastly the top one.. I LOVE it, and wish I could get that pierced... but again, my profession is stopping me. lol

Now, don't ask me why.. but I think guys who have the "snake bite" piercings.. look hott; but I also thought Adam Lambert was hott with his eyeliner.. so I just have a weird mix of styles that I like. LOL  But, here we have 2 pretty girls, and 2 guys with the same kind of piercings... and I have to say... I think this look should only be worn by guys.

Now remember people.. this is all my opinion.  If you have any of these, and I didn't agree with how it looked, my apologies... was NOT intentional.  I'm just simply voicing my opinion.

So I think I hit every piercing on the face.. there are some other weird ones out there, like the space between your eyes, and other weird crap.  Did you notice I stayed away from the ears?? Both sexes have multiple ear piercings, and I think both look great with them (depending on the person obviously).  Plugs? Those are hott... to a certain limit - for both genders.  But that's all I'm gonna say about those, cause remember.. I'm on a time limit.  But I did come across these 2 pictures.. they're not facial piercings, but my mouth dropped.. thinking "howwww thheee hellll?!?!??"

Crazy right?!?!? I don't know how they don't rip their skin?? (ugghhh.. I got the chills thinking about that).

Anywho.. hope you like my random fashion piercing tidbit.  Sorry I didn't go into full detail.. it was either this, or just posting a picture of my 2 hats I got today... HAHA. Maybe next week.. ;)  Have a great weekend all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness the one with the piercings on her throat is so differant! I wouldn't have it :')

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