Monday, May 23, 2011

I Wish My Name Was Clementine...

I heard this song on One Tree Hill last week, during the finale.  I liked the beat/tune, or whatever you call it.. the sound of it, so I downloaded it.  I actually listened to it today for the first time.  I fell in love with it. 
I looked up the lyrics, and there's one site where people actually discuss what they think that the artist was referring to, and what the lyrics meant.  Which is helpful, cause it opens up your mind to the possibility of what the song means... which below is what I decipher from the song and others' opinions.

So we all know Clementine, from the "Oh my Darling, Clementine" song we all used to sing in elementary school.  I had to look up the lyrics to refresh my memory, but pretty much Clementine was loved by this guy, and he was heartbroken to find out that she had died.  He missed her so much, and dreamt of her of coming alive and kissing her, etc. 

Out of all the states, all the lines that are crossed or not crossed, all the guys, all the lies, all the crying, all the times she changed her mind... It's like she's tired of guys making promises and breaking them; tired of them coming and going.  She wishes her name was Clementine; who was loved so much by someone, who missed her terribly after she was gone, someone who dreamt of her coming back to him.  Clementine also means gentle, and merciful.  She also wishes that she was more delicate.  I think after being heartbroken so many times, she's probably a little more rough on the edges.  Which wanting to be more delicate, plays into the meaning of 'Clementine', gentle and merciful.

Someone else referred to 50 means "all".  Her changing her mind, she's referring to changing her ways, and in doing so feeling like someone else, a different person.  When she says "we were young", she's meaning that they were careless, and never stopped to think.  When she asks "is it gone", she's referring to God's touch, protection or spirit.. is it gone or just flowing in the air?  "Time wasted" without God, "more delicate" meaning more pure.  "I wish my name was Clementine".. meaning she wishes to be more merciful, mild and gentle... but it's hard because the innocence is gone.

I personally, can't decide which interpretation I like better; or which is closest to what the artist was feeling. I do think it's closer to the religious aspect, only because of the ending of the video.  I do love her voice though, and want to look up more of her music.

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