Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stagecoach & Cake Balls, Birthdays & Showers!

So, I missed another day of blogging. But given the circumstances, how can I be sitting on the beautiful sands of Corona del Mar beach, eating an AMAZING spinach and mozzarella cheese salad whining on a blog?! What is there to whine about?!? I was laying in the sun, soaking up the rays listening to country music, instead of being stuck in an office without windows, answering phones and dealing with customers.  Uhh yea... no whine for me!! But, I can whine today... cause being at the beach all day yesterday prevented me from getting A LOT of stuff done.  I'm sitting here not knowing what's next on my list (I told my aunt today I should write it down, that list would come in handy now!).  Some of you may wonder why I have so much on my list and why I have to get it all done ASAP?  Well... Stagecoach is this weekend.  Cindy and Brian left today, and I'm camping out with them in their RV.  And I couldn't leave with them today, or leave with friends tomorrow because we have this huge sale at work (that we only have 2 days a year).  So, that left me here... not being able to go party a little earlier.  So, I had to have a majority of my stuff packed for Cindy to take in the RV.  THEN, not only is tomorrow (Friday) the day of the sale... BUT also my BFF's birthday (Bobby's).  So.. then there goes my thought of driving out to Stagecoach after work.  Instead, I'll be driving down to LA to Redwood Bar/Grill for his Birthday Celebration!  Then I get to drive out to Stagecoach all by my lonesome, Saturday morning.  But before all that, I had to meet my bride/client today for her hair consultation, I have to make a batch of cake balls for the hair stylist (we're trading cake balls and free touch-up on my extensions lol), I have to wrap and put together Lauren's baby shower gift (which I'm missing, cause I'll be at Stagecoach... which I don't like to talk about because yea, I'm thrilled about Stagecoach, but it breaks my heart that I'm missing one of my best friends' baby shower - though I did buy my ticket before she announced the date... I'm still kicking myself for missing it).

Yes, I'm sitting here whining about all this stuff I have to do to go have fun!  But, I'm VERY thankful that I have this stuff to keep me busy, to keep extra money flowin in, to have family and friends to spend my time with! =)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes I think I get off on the pain...

"There's a side of me that just wont stop dancing in the flame... maybe I just get off on the pain."

You know when you should do something, or stop doing something... for the sake of yourself, of your feelings, your heart, your sanity? When it feels like you're ripping off the bandaid just as you think it's healed, and it opens your wound all over again... and then you have to go through the healing process... again?  I'm finally realizing that I keep opening a wound... that I want to heal (sort of).  This may not make any sense to any one but me, but I'm scared of this wound completely healing; cause then it's over... and all I'm left with is a scar.  I used to be one of those girls who showed off her scars, but I never wanted this one to scar... or even be considered a wound.  But back to the point... a few people have told me what I need to do, for this wound to heal... and even though I knew what they were saying is true, I didn't listen.  And now that I feel I just ripped off the bandaid again, and am in pain, it's hard not to think that somewhere deep down I get this sick enjoyment from it (from an outsiders point of view, it may look that way, but I don't enjoy it). LOL I think I'm finally closing up the wound.  It's just the matter of doing it.  But this song totally relates to how I feel right now...

"I ride the wrong road, just as fast as I can... God knows there's no one else to blame, sometimes I think I get off on the pain."
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Perfect Ending

1. Started a new painting job at Cindy and Brians... Extra money can't hurt!!

2. Robby came home this weekend, so we spent some time and watched embarrassing home videos with the fam and his girlfriend.

3. Got my outfits lined up for Stagecoach!!!! EXCITED!!!!!!

4. Went to BWW to gossip, eat some wings and have a beer with my friend Nicole.. Got a few laughs out of it, which hopefully burned some of the calories I consumed.

5. Went to Outback with Josh and Bobby for dinner and a drink. Love my boys!

6. Watched the movie Switch, it's been awhile since I've watched a movie.... So I was excited that I watched a good one.

7. Easter!! The Easter Bunny gave me a flat tire! Just exactly what I wanted!!! Perfect ending to my week!!

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I'm still not thrilled for "Sinful Saturdays"... but I'm not too thrilled to try to come up with something different. LOL Maybe I could take Saturdays off... ? Cause right now, I have nothing to talk about... at all. I'm speechless


Yes, you read that right.  Me. Speechless. Can you believe it?!?!?
Well... since I have nothing to write about, think I'm just gonna end it here.
Maybe that's a sin in itself... being speechless with nothing to talk about.
Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm such a bad blogger some days... only the days that I don't have time to blog anything.  I told myself by buying the blog application on my iPhone, that I would use it when I know I won't have time to blog at home!  BUT, days like yesterday where I'm running errands, driving, and then meeting someone for dinner... I technically didn't have time.  And by the time I got home, I was ready to crash.  Soo, I guess today I'll have to do a 2-for-1. ;)

First, I want to say that I'm thankful that me and my friend met up for dinner last night.  Nicole and I went to high school together and played softball together for YEARS.  Well the last 2 years of my high school years, we got really close.  I graduated a year before her... and then occasionally saw her throughout the years.  Well, I would say about 2 years ago I asked her to play on our slow-pitch softball team.. and we've been close friends since!  It's amazing to have those friends in your life that no matter how much time has gone by, when you see each other.. you can pick up right where you left off!  I have a few other friends like that in my life, where I may not see them in like a year.. and when we see each other - it's not awkward, it's not uncomfortable.. we just pick right back up like no time has passed.  I LOVE having friends like that.  It makes life so much easier.  LOL  Anywho... so Nicole and I had dinner and drinks.  We caught up with what's gone on in each others lives (mind you, it's probably been like 2-3 months since we last "caught up"... so it hasn't been THAT long)... but still, when you're used to seeing someone every Tuesday to play ball and gossip... and then the team goes on 'hiatus'... you need that Tuesday just to talk! LOL But we talked, caught up and laughed, a lot.  We both had such a good time, that it was definitely worth it waking up tired as hell! ;)

As far as fashion goes... I came across this website (by clicking on a side ad on Facebook).  It's actually a really cool concept, and Kim Kardashian is one of the co-founders and stylists.  The site is called ShoeDazzle, (  Now, I can't tell you EXACTLY how it works, I've yet to purchase something from them.  But you go to the site, and you create a login - then you take a "style profile quiz".  Which is actually fun; they give you like 5 or so pictures of shoes/handbags/jewelry to choose from.  Asking you, which would you most likely find in your closet?  Which one is your closet lacking? And it goes on.. it only takes a few minutes. Then based on your selection, the stylists put together their recommendation of your "show room".  Each month, your "show room" has different items.  I logged in today, (mind you the only reason why I logged on, was because the ad on Facebook had these really fun heels, and mentioned something about Katy Perry, so I clicked on it.. shame on me. LOL)  But, if you don't like what's in your show room, you can request alternates, select what you're looking for, and the stylists update your show room within the next 5 business days.  Everything is only $39.95 with what I believe to have read was free shipping.  You earn style points by purchasing items, and also earn points by recommending friends.  Then you can redeem your style points for credits towards future purchases!  It looks like a really cool site, and as an entrepreneur... is a really cool concept!  When I have more spending money, or see a pair of shoes that I'm absolutely going to die if I don't have them... I'll have to buy them and then let you all know about my experience! =)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesdays are WEAK!!

I hate Wednesdays. You're only halfway through the work week, you have to bare 2 more dreadful days at work, and it seems like the middle of the week is a hell of a lot slower than the beginning or the end. I can't wait until I work a full-time job that I LOVE! I could totally see myself being "married" to my job, I want to be obsessed with my job and consider it FUN!! Don't get me wrong, I'm good at what I do now... But it's NOT what I WANT to do. But I have been VERY lucky to be blessed with co-workers that I LOVE! They make going to work worth it (besides the fact that it also pays my bills), and they help me make it through the 40 hours alive! Siiigh! Okay my Wednesday work rant is over!

- Posted from my iPhone
Monday, April 18, 2011

Somehow, I found a way...

I heard this song just recently, and instantly fell in love with it.  I love his voice, and just the overall sound of the song.  Of course I felt like I can relate to the lyrics as well.  I can't say that "getting lost in someone" is a good thing... It's an experience I think we're all bound to go through, it's definitely a learning experience (especially if it doesn't end the way you thought). But finding the RIGHT person, to get lost in... that's the key.  But wanting to get close to someone, wanting someone to let you "in"... and not getting the fulfillment, doesn't feel so good.  Then having to pull away, knowing that you got lost in this person, knowing you LET yourself get lost in that person.. it's hard not to be disappointed in yourself.  This has nothing to do with the song, but the song may be the reason to why I'm feeling this.. but my issue right now is letting someone else in, letting myself develop feelings for someone. I'm afraid of getting lost in someone else to get hurt, and just getting lost in someone else entirely.  I know I shouldn't punish my future because of my past... but I think this song for some reason just pulled all these feelings out of me.

"You tried to lie and say I was everything.  I remember when I said I'm nothing without you.  I'm nothing without you.  Somehow I found a way to get lost in you.  Let me inside, let me get close to you.  Change your mind, I'll get lost if you want me to. Somehow I found a way to get lost in you. You always thought I left myself open, but you didn't know I was already broken.  I told myself that it wouldn't be so bad, but pulling away, you took everything I had."
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Check, check, check!

1. Hair colored (again)... CHECK

2.  Extensions done... CHECK

3.  Car washed... CHECK

4.  Pedicure... CHECK

5.  Hung out with friends on multiple occasions... CHECK
(Went and grabbed dinner with Bobby, hung out at Josh's for a bit, went to Friday's and had a few drinks with my friend Daniel, had a yogurt date with Christopher & Sonny, had a movie/wine night with Cindy & Brian).

6. Met the brother's girlfriend... CHECK

7.  Launched a new blog with my friend Jackie... CHECK
(Check it out & make sure you follow/subscribe!! -
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Poor Friday... LOL

My sins this week? 

This is the first time I've missed a day/post.. and I feel VERY guilty! LOL  So I decided I'd tell you why I didn't have a chance to post yesterday, and then mix in my fashion tidbit.  After work I had to head over to get my "weave" fixed. LOL I really don't have a weave, but it's fun saying.. (I don't think extensions are considered a weave? Yea, I don't know... I should look it up but I'm lazy and don't wanta).  So I was there for a few hours.. then headed over to Josh's and picked Bobby up and we went to go grab dinner, then we headed back to Josh's and just hung out for a bit.  It was a little different this time though.. no one was drinking, or BS-ing with each other...  I was on the floor coloring with Josh's niece and nephew while everyone else was eating or watching a movie.  But I figured, I'll just play with the kids.. so I colored, then somehow throwing golf balls into a shoe box turned into a game (his niece is in 2nd grade, and his nephew.. I'm not sure but has to be like 2-3), then it turned into us sitting on the floor rolling golf balls to each other.. it was quite funny.  I love how the smallest things entertain kids, and I love that I didn't care at all that I was sitting there playing with them and not out somewhere.  But I think it's also that "getting older" thing.. Josh went to bed at like 9-9:30, we left about 10... sorta made me laugh that everyone was ready to go to bed, but I wasn't ready to call it a night.  So I came home, lint rolled myself (lol  - Josh has a dog, so from rolling around on the floor with the kids I was covered in dog hair).. then went and picked up a friend and headed to Friday's for a couple drinks.  Not realizing what time it was, we actually closed the place the down. LOL Then the night ended up into a small bet about me being able to pull an all-nighter, which most of the time.. if put to the test I can do.. but I failed and knocked out.  So this morning my thought process was... "Crap, I fell asleep... Crap, I didn't do my blog!!" LOL

So my fashion tidbit?  Feather extensions.  Some of you who are keeping up with fashion today, know that feather extensions are the "new thing".  Steven Tyler has them (American Idol judge), Hayley on American Idol had them for a bit.. and a lot of celebrities are wearing them.  I figured, you know what.. with Stagecoach coming up... that gives me a "reason" to get one.  And because I'm me,  I think I can totally pull it off. LOL  Here's a few pictures of what these "feather extensions" look like. I'm going with the first look, little more subtle... but Steven Tyler's are extreme!! LOL

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Desperate Cover

I am sooooo thankful for hats. If hats were non-existent... There would be no way of hiding bad hair days and still looking cute. Not saying that I looked cute today, but I looked decent... Not like someone who woke up a little later than she should of, who is in desperate need of getting her hair done. LOL So I have me hat to thank today for hiding my desperate hair. :)

This was a very short and random blog, but I'm in the middle if getting my hair half fixed; and I'm super tired. ;)

- Posted from my iPhone
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bills Schmills...

I hate bills. Yes, I know it's my own fault.... but they ruin EVERYTHING. They add stress, they take all my money (LMAO) and they take away the chance for me to escape to Vegas for a spur of the moment get-away. I have some friends going out there for the weekend, and found out there are even other friends going too (that we went to hs with) - and I can just imagine how much fun they're gonna have... plus, did I fail to mention that something is going on (I forgot what I was told, some kind of meeting/convention something rather) that there are going to be ALOT of cops and firemen in town. UGGGHHH!!! I coulda found me a man!! LOL Siiighhh!! Or if I didn't find me a guy, I'm sure I would have a blast out there doing what we girls do on girl get-aways (reminiscing the last girls trip - Laurens bachelorette party - LOL). But anywho... I have only myself to blame for the madness I dug myself into... AKA - BILLS!!!

Oh, and plus, add an extra $250 on top of my bills... traffic tickets, are a bitch! But then again, my fault AGAIN!!!

Ugh... instead of whining with wine tonight, I'm whining with a Smirnoff. ;)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011

You're Gonna Love Me Forever!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shopping, Make Money, More Shopping

1. Started the week off with a cold, ended with a cold and allergies. UGH!!

2.  Started off good at the gym on Monday, then babysat on Tuesday - so I stuck with frozen yogurt and a movie.. then the rest of the week just went down hill.  Bad week for gym! LOL

3. Went to a little "party" Tristan hosted for a company called "thirty-one"... got a VERY cute gift for a friend, and also a little something for me to use when I'm at "work" playing Wedding Coordinator. ;)

4.  Crashed Ashley's yard sale Saturday morning with a ton of 'crap'.  Luckily she was okay splitting her driveway down the middle for me to sell my stuff.  LOL  Ontario has "banned" yard sales, so I just take my stuff a couple blocks away to her house!  (This wasn't the first time either)

5.  Catered a 1-year old's birthday party on Saturday after leaving the yard sale early.  Got a lot of cute ideas, and luckily worked with an easy client and easy co-workers; which made the whole thing EASY.  Left with a moderate sized tip (the 3 of us working were a little upset about the amount, sad right? LOL).  But definitely left tired.  But that didn't stop me.

6.  Went home, and Ash talked me into going out for a drink @ Yardhouse with "the girls".  Mind you, I haven't been out with "the girls" or any girls in the last few months... so walking in and having a group of guys looking at us and obviously talking about us made me laugh... I really never realized that doesn't happen when I go out with my boys. LOL  But it didn't last long, cause we had invited a couple guy friends who met up with us. 

7.  Had a "date day" with Tristan.  Met up at a diner with her fam, then we headed over to The Shoppes.. and spent money @ Victoria Secrets and Claires (which I blame Tristan for EVERY single thing I bought) LOL
But, we did have fun.. I think we both realized today that we're a bad influence on each other! We're both just glad her Mom wasn't with us, I think it would have been a longer and more expensive shopping trip.
Saturday, April 09, 2011

No zzz's For Me!!

Saturday's sin?? LACK OF SLEEP!!!!! Between crashing Ashley's yardsale with my stuff, (we had a "2-in-1" LOL), and catering a 1-year old's birthday party... I'm extremely POOPED! BUT, not ready to call it a night. So, going out with the girls tonight. It's been quite awhile since I've had a girls night, but I'm excited. It's hard to scope out boys, when I'm with mine. LOL (and when I say mine, for those who don't know me and my life, I have my own set of boys {my bffs}...) ;) Just had to clarify that I'm not THAT kinda girl! ;)

- Posted from my iPhone
Friday, April 08, 2011


So I wanted to do a segment on hats, cause I talked about it last week... BUUT.. I need the little sister here so we can both be models. LOL But that will have to just be another time...

For those of you who know me... I'm obsessed with jewelry.  ALOT of my jewelry is Cookie Lee.. and I wore one of my favorite sets today.  I haven't worn it in forever.. 1) Out of sight, out of mind 2) You kinda have to have the right outfit to wear it.

Big & chunky jewelry.. that's how I roll. But you see what I mean about having to wear the right kind of outfit.  Anyways, I totally love this set...  the picture in their catalog (was a few "seasons" ago) didn't do it justice at all!! But.. its definitely one of the favs, and definitely makes a statement!! ;)

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Super excited... for all of you who read my blog posts - if you really like it, you can share it on Facebook now!! YAAAYY!! I would LOVE to have more readers, and more people actually comment on my posts (so I feel like I'm not talking to myself). AHAHA!  Or unless you guys don't think I should blog anymore.. let me know.  But I'm enjoying it... and I've heard others say they enjoy it too!  So share your favorites!! =)

Thank you much! xoxo
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why I'm THANKFUL for Being a Girl!!

So it’s definitely hard to sit here and list 10 reasons why I love that I’m a girl and why I’m thankful for being a girl.  I got to whine about being one yesterday… but I thought if I listed out the reasons why I’m thankful for being one, it won’t seem as bad and it will make me feel better.

1.  We can do something that is no way humanly possible for a guy to do.  We can carry a life within ourselves, and bring it to life.  Yes, we need a guy to make that happen; but after it’s conceived – we really don’t NEED a guy to bring it to life; but of course we WANT and will NEED their help later. ;)
2.  I can wear any color I want, sport any kind of hairstyle I want, paint my nails if I want and wear make-up if I want.  I can dress myself in accessories from head to toe without being labeled as a “metrosexual”.  Girls have variety, which guys don’t.  It’s also okay to be fashionably late and to take hours to get ready!
3.  You’ve heard that a wedding is all about the bride right? I get to show off my AMAZING talent (which is planning the thing lol), show off an AMAZING dress, my AMAZING shoes, my AMAZING hair and make-up… I do know it’s more than just a day that revolves around me;  but being currently single, and no where close to having a wedding – I can say that a wedding is pretty much dedicated to the bride. ;)
4.  Where there is cleavage, there is a way.  Yes, I know… not very ladylike.  But… a little cleavage, a little smile, a little batting of the eyes…  girls can do anything!  Get drinks for free, check. Get into clubs for free, check.  Get a guy to change your tire on the side of the freeway, check.  Get a guy to move/carry something for you, check.  The list can go on..!!
5.  I can cry and be emotional in public without being called weak.  I can cuddle with a teddy bear without being judged.  And if I get kicked between the legs, it hurts… but I don’t fall to the ground in pain with a high-pitched voice.
6.  It’s nice to feel that you’re okay, that you’re safe and protected when with a guy.  There’s no other feeling like that.
7.  I was born to multi-task.  As a kid I multi-tasked with dolls, softball, my siblings; today I multitask with a job, friends, boys, getting my company up and running, gym; and tomorrow I will multitask with a set career, housework, husband, kids, and hobbies.
8.  I can live through countless hormone changes, blink back my tears and still manage to smile and make everyone happy and make them believe I’m happy-go-lucky.
9.  I have options.  I can be independent or co-dependent. I can work or stay home. I can be a nurse or a doctor.  I can work in the corporate world, I can join the army.  I can wear pants or I can wear a dress.  I can wear sneakers or a pair of stilettos. 
10.  I am the epitome of sacrifice, affection, modesty, strength, compassion, sincerity, & beauty : I am a woman.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why Being a Girl SUCKS!!!

Here are my top 10 reasons why being a girl sucks, I did read a few articles that helped me back-up my reasoning... but I truly feel these are the worse top 10.

1. "Happy Periods" don't exist - your tired, cranky, achy, and did I mention the bloating?? UGHH!!

2. Bras.. SUCK!! Worst invention ever... yea they could be cute, hot, sexy... but they SUCK!!

3. We can't pee standing up... it makes road-trips and other outside events annoying. And our bathroom lines are always soooo much longer than guys'. And, we really need the bathrooms to be "clean", or else it's completely disgusting. And speaking of peeing, we're more prone to urinary tract infections... which are NOT FUN!

4. I'm not a Mommy yet.. but I've heard the 9-months of carrying a baby is bittersweet. It's an experience I can't wait to experience... BUT... do you know what having a baby(ies) does to our bodies?!?!? HELLLOOO stretch marks (not only on our tummys), weight gain, and other things I won't mention for the sake of my male readers.

5. There a men out there who like to degrade women and make them feel nasty by whistling, howling or barking at them (yes, this happened to me this morning and I was livid; funny thing was a guy at work was trying to make me feel better saying that it was a compliment LOL) But some men think it's okay to talk to women like they're trash or like they're stupid, some men think it's okay to look at women like they're meat. Some men like to play games, to see who can "get the girl". It's degrading.

6. Double standards in the business/corporate world. Women are held to a much higher standard than men.
Talking: Men are networking; women are gossiping.
Making mistakes: Men are seen as risk takers; women are seen as incompetent.
Arguing: Men are debating; women are being catty.
You can see this all being true, whether or not you would like to agree with me.

7. Relationships, sexuality and "the dating world". It's okay for men to talk/date a few women at a time; and its okay for men to openly talk about things. But if a woman is dating/talking to a few men at a time, and if they openly talk about things.. they are seen as sluts, whores, and tramps (tried to express my opinion in a PG matter).

8. Physical appearance. First off, women are judged a hell of a lot more on their body size, weight and looks. I think women are more accepting to men and their looks, and I think men have higher standards as to what "their" girl looks like. Secondly, the whole hair coloring, nails and toes done, make-up thing... guys don't have to go through and spend money to get these done. Society, somewhere along the line has screwed us over, but yet we all do it cause we "love" to and feel that we "have" to; cause we won't look "good". We are expected to wax and shave... everything.

9. We have a tendency to over analyze things. We forgive, but we never forget. It's not sociably acceptable to drink or to cuss. As much as I hate admitting this, girls are backstabbers, and they're drama. A close guy friend of mine said the other day "Guys are drama when it comes to relationships; but girls are drama just about everything... they're ruthless!" (I don't think he used the word 'ruthless', but it was something along those lines).

10. I LOVE shoes, don't get me wrong... but I would KILL to see a man go one day in a pair of heels... oh and throw in a pair of spanx and pantyhose while you're at it.

Now, I'm not saying that I would trade my vag for a penis. No thank you, I wouldn't even consider it! I love being a girl... but there are those days, like today... when I feel like a bleeding beached whale who gets howled at while walking into work... just makes me think that guys have it so much easier than we do. There's a challenge to being a girl, which makes it that much better than being a guy. But, it's not that easy...

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Stop looking, do what I love, create... GOT IT!

So today's inspiration is going to be a little short.  Given that I have a MAJOR A.D.D. problem tonight - which I'm not sure what the problem is and why I'm having such a hard time concentrating... my inspiration is simple; complex.. yet, simple! LOL

Monday, April 04, 2011

Live a little, love a lot!

So my new thing to be excited about and look forward to is Stage Coach!  I've recently download a ton of new country music, and then after watching the CMA's last night.. I'm even more excited!  I've never been to a country concert in my life, so getting to experience Stage Coach as my first "concert"... which is an understatement - cause I get to see/hear Carrie Underwood, Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts, Easton Corbin, Josh Turner, Darius Rucker and more.  I bought my cowboy hat, and my boots (which now I'm second guessing their comfort level).  So today's song choice.. Kenny Chesney!  I try to always pick a song that I can relate to the lyrics; and I decided that this fits my current mentality:

"I need to live a little, have some fun
Take some time, waste it on number one.
Find a guy that brings my whole world to a stop,
Live a little, love a lot."

Sunday, April 03, 2011


1.  Played with the hair color.. AGAIN! It's turned into a project! Let's just say I love my "hair colorist", and can't thank her enough!!

2.  Gym, gym, gym... sweat, sweat, sweat!!
3.  Shopping and spending money... BUUT, not on myself (unfortunately).  I love planning/coordinating, and Stephanie's bridal shower has turned into my obsession.  But it's actually smart, or at least I think so.  I had the extra money (from tax refund, that should have gone to bills), but I used it to buy stuff for her shower so eliminate me from using my credit cards later.  

4.  So being a party/event planner... I obviously LOVE attending them as well.  I went to a friend of mines (since Jr. High) baby shower.  It's her first, and she's having a girl (which is so much more fun to shop for than boys, unfortunately).  But it was such a CUTE shower, and it was nice to see and catch up with the girls.

5.  Spent a few nights this week hanging out with my boys... which included "words with friends", yardhouse, making fun of people, beer pong, and lots and lots of laughs.

6.  Worked on my clients' wedding timeline today.  I wish I could do this full time... soooo much more enjoyable than entering orders and selling tools. LOL

7.  Had one lazy day this week, and was SOOO enjoyable and needed.  I felt like I had something to do everyday after work - or everyday I wasn't working... except today (which I had planned to work on my clients' wedding lol). Waking up at noon, and then catching up with shows on the DVR, then ending it with timelining the wedding and my week ahead... I am definitely rejuvenated for the week ahead (busy, busy, busy!)
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Oh-so Sweet...

So.. I'm currently thinking of another topic for Saturdays.  Because "Sinful Saturdays"... I feel like I'm just going to tell you if I made it to the gym or not and what I ate (or drank) that I shouldn't have.  I was just recently talking about this to one of my aunt's, and she mentioned how about "Satisfaction Saturdays?"... And then we said, no that wont work.. cause I'll still list what I ate. LOL  Like to day at Jessica's baby shower... I didn't eat the whole piece of cake, but I had a few bites.  I stayed away from the Jello shots, but I did have a cup of "Jungle Juice" (alcoholic).  I didn't eat the whole rice-crispy treat, but I ate half of it. They were all satisfying. So I ate what I worked out and sweated off at the gym this morning.  Ugh.

So I'm still thinking... Sleepy Saturdays? Where maybe I can just write about whatever I want?  Since I really don't have a "free" day.  But then again, I set my blog up like this so I have something to follow.. If I didn't have these set days - I'd get stuck back into the routine of posting quotes (hopefully not as depressing as my last blog, but then again.. I WAS going "through it"), or because my life seems to revolve around music - I'd talk about music. Hmm...

Sweet Saturday Delights... (thats cute!) What will I write about though?  It almost sounds like a dessert show, or a bakery.. thats a stinkin cute name (I wonder if I heard it somewhere... ) LOL

MAAAYBEEE.... since this is actually a huge part of my life - maybe I can incorporate me, my J-O-B into my blog.  Maybe Sweet Saturday Delights can be a post of about some kind of party idea, or decorating/design idea for an event... OH OH OH

Sweet Saturday Designs! Hmm - I believe a change is in the making.  We shall see...
Friday, April 01, 2011

Facial Piercings...

Okay, I could totally go into this post more into depth... but.. I'm on a time limit tonight.  So, facial piercings... I was at the gym last night, and had to look at this guy like 2-3 times to figure out what the heck was sparkling under this guys eye... it was a piercing.  Which first of all, in the location... was ugly.. second of all, if it was cute at all, I think it would have looked better on a girl.  So then it got me thinking... there are some piercings that girls can get away with better than guys, and vice versa.  Examples? You know I got em'!!

This is what the guy had, that I saw at the gym... it's random.  I mean, I know every piercing is random.. but, really??

I'm not a fan of these cheek piercings... but if anyone looks better, I would say the girl.

Nose piercings... I obviously like them, I have one.  But I really don't think guys can pull of the stud.

Now I know these are 2 diff piercings... but as for the "hoops" go for nose piercings - I think you have to have the "attitude" to wear it like Pink, but don't think guys can pull of her kind of hoop.  As for the bull ring type thing... I think guys can pull that off more than girls.  But.. not really a fan of guys having nose rings.

Tongue rings?  I think are cool for both genders.. and I'm not against them at all.  If it weren't for my profession, I'd want to get my tongue pierced.

I think eyebrow piercings are straying away, you don't see too many people who have them.  Again, this is one I'm not really a fan of for either sexes.. but, if anyone looks better.. would have to say the girl.

Labret... looks better on guys without a doubt. 

As far as lips go, for the "single" piercing... I don't like the 3rd picture at all (I forgot what this piercing is called), the Monroe piercing (middle) is more common, its cute..  but only a girl should be getting that pierced... and lastly the top one.. I LOVE it, and wish I could get that pierced... but again, my profession is stopping me. lol

Now, don't ask me why.. but I think guys who have the "snake bite" piercings.. look hott; but I also thought Adam Lambert was hott with his eyeliner.. so I just have a weird mix of styles that I like. LOL  But, here we have 2 pretty girls, and 2 guys with the same kind of piercings... and I have to say... I think this look should only be worn by guys.

Now remember people.. this is all my opinion.  If you have any of these, and I didn't agree with how it looked, my apologies... was NOT intentional.  I'm just simply voicing my opinion.

So I think I hit every piercing on the face.. there are some other weird ones out there, like the space between your eyes, and other weird crap.  Did you notice I stayed away from the ears?? Both sexes have multiple ear piercings, and I think both look great with them (depending on the person obviously).  Plugs? Those are hott... to a certain limit - for both genders.  But that's all I'm gonna say about those, cause remember.. I'm on a time limit.  But I did come across these 2 pictures.. they're not facial piercings, but my mouth dropped.. thinking "howwww thheee hellll?!?!??"

Crazy right?!?!? I don't know how they don't rip their skin?? (ugghhh.. I got the chills thinking about that).

Anywho.. hope you like my random fashion piercing tidbit.  Sorry I didn't go into full detail.. it was either this, or just posting a picture of my 2 hats I got today... HAHA. Maybe next week.. ;)  Have a great weekend all!!