Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where's my inspiration??

Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration.....

I've had NONE lately.  I haven't been inspired to write lately.  I think because looking at the computer screen hurts my eyes and my head.  Plus, writing means I have to think; which is hard to do when it's foggy.  The last day I wrote was Thursday, the day I went to the doctors and got meds.  I had 6 pills (antibiotics) that I used and abused and am out and the cold is still here (but the ear ache and sore throat is gone)... I was instructed to take Claritin (which I'm starting to think the doctor thought I was affected by allergies, which clearly is not the case), and still taking the cough medicine (religiously).

Friday I didn't do much, went home started on the invitations for Stephs Bridal Shower, and watched "Love & Other Drugs".  Slept in as much as I could Saturday; worked on the invitations a little more.  Then had a "movie date" with Tristan and saw Bridesmaids (funniest movie I have seen in a LOONG time).  After that we headed over to BJ's to have dinner with my parents and Brett's family for Steph and Brett's birthdays.  After that the 4 of us (me, Trit, Brett and Steph) headed over to Roscoe's so the birthday couple could drink.  Lets just say the weekend ended up with both of them being sick (at separate times) LOL  They were lucky I was on meds, so they had a designated driver. ;)

Sunday, slept in as much as I could again (which isn't much when you have a head cold and you wake yourself up realizing your nose is dripping.. gross right? TMI? LOL)  I woke up, layed on the couch and watched "How Do You Know" (not as good as I'd anticipated), then brushed my teeth, threw my hair up and went to Michaels, Walmart, and Victoria Secrets to grab gifts and stuff for the invitations.  Also drove by to get my nails done... which was a really bad idea.  The combination of the smell of my salon, my runny nose and the fact my hands were not "usable".. BAD IDEA.  Went home, did as much as I could with the invites, watched the latest Harry Potter movie, and went to bed.

Monday I realized I felt worse than I had the couple days before that... which isn't good.  And we had all the family coming over for Brett and Stephs birthdays.  Luckily it was a calm, relaxing and not too loud of a day.. which I found beneficial and perfect.

I keep waiting to wake up and feel completely fine... and I haven't.  Which I'm not too fond of.  My ears started hurting again today (which I'm praying goes away before my flight Thursday night), and I had an unbearable headache, which came out of no where!  My nose is still stuffy, and then of course mother-nature had to step in today as well (PMS-ing on top of everything else).  UGH!  So I've been in bed since I got home.. ate dinner, read some of my book.  And now about to call it a night.  Hopefully the more sleep I get, the chances of me getting better are greater.  I'm hoping as soon as I kick this cold's ass, I'll be back to blogging everyday.. but it's hard when you don't feel crappy. LOL
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Meds & Hair Dye

Today feels like it should be Wednesday.... So I can WHINE!! Grrr! Well, I wanted to whine about going to the doctors today, but I guess I can be thankful that they squeezed me in and was able to get meds to get rid if this infection/cold. I'm also thankful for the fun and beautiful color my hair turned out tonight as well. :) That's all, short and sweet tonight!

- Posted from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctors Schmoctors

I hate the doctors.  I really do.  With a passion.  I had my "lady" doctors appointment this morning; which was a follow up from my cyrosurgery in January.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed (for my sanity's sake, and health's sake LOL) that the results come out normal.  And the last few days I've been unsure if my stuffy nose is a result of allergies or a cold; I was thinking allergies... but up until I needed to start using my inhaler 5x a day (when I haven't used it in 2+ years), and when I felt like my throat was a little swollen this morning.. I started to think that maybe it wasn't allergies.  But then looking back, my cold really has never gone away since Stagecoach.  So I called the doctors this afternoon, and luckily they're able to squeeze me in tomorrow afternoon.  Yes, I'm whining, only because that's $$ I'm spending at every kind of doctor visit!! I'm also whining cause my body likes to play games on me, when I don't have $$ or time for games! LOL This makes it even harder because I feel completely fine other than the nose and the not being able to breathe... but I need to make sure I kill this before I leave next Thursday night (Phoenix bound to visit one of the besties and her fam... which includes a newborn!!)  So I'm hoping he can give me something to kill this cold off, give me maybe a different kind of inhaler (cause I'm doubting I'm needing it right now for asthmatic reasons, it might be this chest cold... I never used to need my inhaler after every time I laughed LOL), and hopefully he can give me another refill on my inhaler for my asthma (so I don't have to go back later)... OMG.. all that equals more $$$$$!!! Holy moly.... 
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happiness vs. Confidence

"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."
-Author Unknown

I'm not complaining about where I am in my life right now, or what is to come.  I'm very excited about my future, very excited to see what will become of my life.  But at this moment, I feel like I'm desperately trying to hold onto, or grab onto a piece of my old life.  (Yea, that sounds a little funny... my old life?)  When I say my 'old life'.. I mean my life before it took a turn.  My life before I decided to step away and do a self-evaluation of who I am, and what I want, my life before I made some changes.  I understand that as I get older, my priorities, my thoughts, my surroundings, my wants and needs will all change.  And as much as I get excited for change... there's a small part of me that never wants anything to change.  I'm trying to fight myself to remember the reasoning for the changes that were made; fighting myself to remember that the changes were for my own good.

But the reason why this has been brought up, is because if I were to compare where I stand now, to where I was then... I would say that I was a much happier person before now.  But along with happiness, was uncertainty.  I was uncertain of what I really wanted in life, uncertain with specific relationships, and uncertain of who I was or the woman I was becoming.  So today I may not be as happy or smile as much, but I can say that I've never been as confident as to who I am or what I want in life.  So I've been trying to forgive myself for trying to grasp for dear life onto the things or the people who once made me smile.  It's hard not to turn around and run back to the things that we know made us feel good.  It's like that saying, "you can't have your cake and eat it too?" (hope I said that right). I want that happiness I once knew, but I don't want the uncertainty that came with it. I want what I had, with the new perspective of my life and myself. 

Sorry, I'm just rambling today.  I guess I need to do what the quote says to do.. live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.  One day at a time... this is enough. 

Just take it one day at a time, Val... What's meant to be will always find it's way.
Monday, May 23, 2011

I Wish My Name Was Clementine...

I heard this song on One Tree Hill last week, during the finale.  I liked the beat/tune, or whatever you call it.. the sound of it, so I downloaded it.  I actually listened to it today for the first time.  I fell in love with it. 
I looked up the lyrics, and there's one site where people actually discuss what they think that the artist was referring to, and what the lyrics meant.  Which is helpful, cause it opens up your mind to the possibility of what the song means... which below is what I decipher from the song and others' opinions.

So we all know Clementine, from the "Oh my Darling, Clementine" song we all used to sing in elementary school.  I had to look up the lyrics to refresh my memory, but pretty much Clementine was loved by this guy, and he was heartbroken to find out that she had died.  He missed her so much, and dreamt of her of coming alive and kissing her, etc. 

Out of all the states, all the lines that are crossed or not crossed, all the guys, all the lies, all the crying, all the times she changed her mind... It's like she's tired of guys making promises and breaking them; tired of them coming and going.  She wishes her name was Clementine; who was loved so much by someone, who missed her terribly after she was gone, someone who dreamt of her coming back to him.  Clementine also means gentle, and merciful.  She also wishes that she was more delicate.  I think after being heartbroken so many times, she's probably a little more rough on the edges.  Which wanting to be more delicate, plays into the meaning of 'Clementine', gentle and merciful.

Someone else referred to 50 means "all".  Her changing her mind, she's referring to changing her ways, and in doing so feeling like someone else, a different person.  When she says "we were young", she's meaning that they were careless, and never stopped to think.  When she asks "is it gone", she's referring to God's touch, protection or spirit.. is it gone or just flowing in the air?  "Time wasted" without God, "more delicate" meaning more pure.  "I wish my name was Clementine".. meaning she wishes to be more merciful, mild and gentle... but it's hard because the innocence is gone.

I personally, can't decide which interpretation I like better; or which is closest to what the artist was feeling. I do think it's closer to the religious aspect, only because of the ending of the video.  I do love her voice though, and want to look up more of her music.
Sunday, May 22, 2011

All things that revolve around WEDDINGS!

1.  Spent my nights at the gym this week, Monday through Wednesday watching my shows.  Hey, I don't have a lot of free time... so I gotta multi-task.

2.  Spent a few days this week finalizing the paperwork and timelines for the wedding!

3.  Had the rehearsal Thursday night, which went pretty good, given that I was completely nervous all day.  Then I was invited to the rehearsal dinner at Buccu Di Peppo's; which was nice so I got to chit-chat more with my bride and groom, the Pastor, and the MOH (which is mine and the bride's mutual friend).

4.  Hit the gym before the wedding to workout and sweat out the pre-wedding jitters.

5.  WEDDING DAY!! (Read the previous blog to hear all about it!) ;) 

6.  Woke up at 1pm Saturday and did nothing but laid around all day recuperating from the night before.  Then later that night me and Missy went to Yogurtland with Cindy and Mykenzie then went to Cindy's to watch "No Strings Attached".

7.  Worked a 'wine tasting event' in Anaheim Hills on Sunday.  Small amount of people, wasn't hard, just tedious.
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro

Friday was a crazy busy beautiful exciting day! I was hired as the "day of coordinator" for a wedding a couple months ago. The bride had all of the vendors booked, she just needed the day coordinated, timelined and needed someone to make sure everything went according to planned.

I got there, retrieved the room keys for the bride to get ready in, the groom to get ready in, and then their suite for the night. The designing team was already there, finishing up the flowers for outside for the ceremony.. and they were starting the flowers and decor for the reception. I had to make sure the favors were placed at the each table setting, make sure the table numbers were at each table, place cameras and pictures at each table. I had to set up the table for the sand ceremony out where the reception was... and at the same time had to meet and greet the bridal party and make sure they were set up in their rooms, meet and greet the vendors (my own styling team, which included Julie for make-up and Krystal for hair), the photographer, and the DJ. Then of course the place card table, guest book table, gift table, and a small table to set the programs on had to get setup. Then I had to get the bridal party and parents flowers distributed, and also make sure that the rooms they were getting ready in were completely cleared out by 5:30 (which was the ceremony start time). Let's just say it was a crazy day, and I loved every minute of it.

Then it was time for the reception to start, and the first few rows were filled. It looked like we were missing a ton of people, so I have people who wanted to wait a few more minutes, at the same time the venue coordinator is saying we need to start because of the food. SIIIIGHH Oh the joys of coordinating, but again.. LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

So the ceremony started, photographer took his pictures, reception started. A game of Simon Says was played with the 5 and 6 year-olds (twin ring bearers, and flower girl) as I was trying to line them all up to get announced into the reception. And the reception flowed pretty smoothly...

All in all.. it was a GREAT evening. No problems, no delays, and we stayed on time the entire time.. even when we started later! Thanks to the Pastor for not taking as long as he thought during the ceremony. Here's some pictures taken with my phone! =) Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pain is beauty!

Sorry I've missed blogging the last 2 days. Friday I was playing "wedding coordinator". Which by the way I dressed thought I was being SUPER smart... No heels (knowing I was going to be on my feet all day, but also running around). So I stuck with flats, REALLY cute flats... That were brand new. Not so smart! So given that yesterday, Saturday... Had been my day to recuperate, but also ended up being the day to do nothing cause it hurt to walk. The skin on the back of my feet is trying to heal and repair itself, making my skin super tight... So it hurt to walk. Not fun!

This is just 1 out of 4 of my sores. :(

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We are Gathered Here Today...

Wow, has this week flown by.  Probably because I've been super busy prepping and getting stuff ready for tomorrow!  Tonight I had my bride's rehearsal.  Missing a bridesmaid and the two 6-year old twin ring bearers... the rehearsal couldn't have gone better.  And THANK goodness for that!  I was a little more quiet and reserved at work today; a few people kept asking me what was wrong.  I think my nerves got all worked up... and that was only for the rehearsal!!! I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be too busy to get nervous.  So my plan is to get to bed (soon), hit the gym first thing in the morning and sweat out any ounce of nervousness, get ready and head over the hotel to be the little wedding coordinator that I am. ;)  So thankfully after a smooth rehearsal, I'd be REAALLLY thankful if all goes well tomorrow! Wish me luck!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay, so last week there was an issue on Blogger... and for some reason last week's Wednesday post disappeared.  And so I clicked on the label to make sure I had labeled it, and it re-posted.  So the 2 Wednesday posts consists of this week and last week.  SORRY! ;)

So, today I'm going to whine about the handicapped.  Okay, not in general... I mean, they're obviously "handicapped/disabled" for a reason.  I'm totally not one of those people who bashes on the handicapped.  BUT, I will bash on you if you park in a regular parking space, right next to an empty handicapped one... especially when your license plate CLEARLY states that you're handicapped.  Really?? I try to not let my frustration or anger come out in public; well... it's not like I did anything like lay on the horn for flip em' the bird, but I did get really angry.  And sometimes I have the habit of letting that anger linger on awhile longer than it should.  I understand that there are some handicapped people who don't want to be considered handicapped, so they don't like the special treatment like front row parking (I WOULD ABUSE THAT!)  But, I kind of understand... sort of like those who can't hear don't want to get a hearing aid because they may feel incapable, or disabled.  But people.. it's to help you!! So do us all a favor, park in your parking spot (given that there are some available) so I have somewhere to park; especially if there is barely any GENERAL parking, and empty handicapped spots.  I really don't mean to sound rude, it's just common courtesy.  We don't park in your spots; so if given the chance to, refrain from parking in ours.

Thank you and have a nice day! ;)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Moscatto or Stella Rosa, Please!

Wednesday's Whine...



Mmm.. Wine!!

How I would DIE for a glass of wine, or 2 or 3... hell, just give me the whole damn bottle.  You know when someone says "don't touch that," and they turn around and walk away; and you are SOO tempted to touch it, just because they said NOT to? It's the same exact thing as being on a diet.  You can't eat that, or drink this.  And just because you know you can't, you want to even more, or it's more tempting.  So I ask you my wonderful readers... Please, pleeaassee.. have a glass of wine for me! ;)

I was telling a friend yesterday that my diet and gym routine started back up this past Monday.  I told her, I'm done partying, no more going to bars or having a drink here and there.  She nicely says, well.. you know you can go out, just don't drink!"  I looked at her with all seriousness and sincerity and told her, "If I go out, and all my friends are going to have a drink or two... they wont' make fun or say crap if I don't have a drink.  But I can tell you right now, I can't sit there and not have one.  Especially if I'm leaving work everyday feeling like all I want to do is go home and pour myself a glass of wine.  I'm just going to omit the whole going out process all together."  Funny? Yes.  True? Yes.  Sad? Definitely.

I'm not an alcoholic.  I promise.  But a glass of wine tends to sooth you, calm you down.  So depending on the workday; majority of the time I feel like I can use a "calm-me-downer". I wonder that feeling will get worse with age?  Scary.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love to get inspired, succeed to dance on tables. ;)

Fall in love or fall in hate.
Get inspired or be depressed.
Decide to succeed or decide to fail.
Make babies or make art.
Speak the truth or lie & cheat.
Dance on tables or sit in the corner.
Life is divine chaos.
Embrace it.
Forgive yourself.
& enjoy the ride!!

-Author Unknown
Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Be True to Who You Are....

Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars.  Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing.  Its okay not to be okay.  Sometimes its hard, to follow your heart. Tears don't mean your losing, everybody's bruising.... just be true to who you are.

The first time I heard this song, it was empowering, but yet brought tears to my eyes.  It amazes me how influenced we (as a population) are.  Influenced by media (such as television and music), influenced by our peers, influenced by family.  Some of us get lost in the translation of trying to be like someone else, trying to be someone who we're not.  Some us change ourselves to fit this mold, where we think people will like us more.  Fortunately, I have been blessed with my fathers personality.  The "I don't care what you think of me - like me or not, it's your problem) attitude.  I can say that I have never changed or altered my state of being for someone else other than myself.  I say that with complete confidence, that I've been true to who I am.  Yes, I have been influenced to do things, to like things or to dislike things.  But in the end, I had made the decision for myself, not for my influencer. Okay, but back to the song...

The first part of the song, she sings about standing in front of the mirror, wondering why she's losing herself on a tiny error, and how she almost left the real her on the shelf.  I know there are things we don't like about our appearances, I for one would like a nicer ass, bigger boobs, slimmer waste... I have my days where I like how I am, others not so much.  But I'm comfortable with myself, with my body.  I'm not satisfied, but comfortable.  Comfortable enough to not lose myself and be depressed, comfortable enough to go out dancing and have fun, comfortable enough to be able to go out and eat with friends, comfortable enough to wear a push-up bra occasionally to make the girls look a little bigger.. (sorry for the false advertisement, boys... but you'd be surprised how many girls wear push-up bras).  But there are those people who tear themselves apart for things they don't like about themselves.  That's a huge part of where bulimia, and other eating disorders come in, plastic surgery, etc.

The second part of the song, she talks about brushing her hair and forgetting how to fit the mold.  But the more she tries, the less it works.. cause everything inside her is screaming "no!" Like I said, I've never tried to fit a mold to get someones approval.  So I can't put my own experience and thoughts into this segment.  But if you're trying to be someone you're not, deep down in your heart, you know that it's not you... how can you truly be happy?  It's sad that some people think that they'll be happier to have more friends being someone that they're not, or happier that they have this amazing boyfriend (who likes some girl that's not even who you really are).  How can you truly be happy with your life, pretending?  It's like playing "life", instead of playing "house" when we were younger.  Someday it has to end... and where does that leave you?  What good does it do you?  It leaves you blank.  I'm sure it will leave you lost, with no sense of you you really are.. because you pretended for so long.   If someone cannot appreciate you the way you are, the person you are... they don't deserve to be in your life.  Kick them out!  You'll find other people to LOVE YOU for who YOU REALLY ARE!  For all those nerds who try to hide how smart they are, for all the gays who try to pretend they're straight, for all the cheap asses pretending they have money, and all the other people I missed... don't fit the mold you think you have to fit.  There is no mold, it's only existent in your head.  Be true to who you are, people will love you if you're super smart, gay or broke... and you'll be a happier you, pretending not be someone you're not.

Yes, No, Egos
Fakes shows like whoah
Just go, and leave me alone
Real talk, real life
Good love, goodnight
With a smile, that's my home

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Crazy little thing called... LIFE!

Busy, busy week!!

1. Met up with my bride's DJ, and the coordinator at her venue.  As of today, 5 more days until her BIG day!! So finalizing the timeline, coordinating with vendors, and getting last minute things for the day of; I'm pretty much ready to get the show on the road!

2.  Gym routine is now back into effect.  So is my "diet", and my no drinking rule (sort of).  I've complained to a few this week that being my age, it's hard to not have a drink.  Unfortunately, that's what we do; you go grab a drink and hangout.  So after a week of drinking nothing but water or tea, I tried to have a beer Friday night - I drank about 3/4 of it, but was sort of uncomfortable with the constant feeling of needing to burp (sooo not girly, I know!)

3. Went to The Avocado House on Saturday with Tristan and our friend Ashley (who's baby shower we attended last weekend) for breakfast Saturday morning.  I had never been, it was pretty good!

4.  Spent my Friday night at the gym, which I thought was going to be it for my Friday night.  But a friend had asked if I wanted to go grab a drink, so after coming home and showering and getting picked up at 12:45.. we laughed cause everywhere was about to close!  So went and grabbed a couple drinks, and went back to his house and watched Killers (mind you, I don't watch very many movies, so this was exciting to me; especially when Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigel are involved). So we watched a movie and hung out, until I finally got tired and had him bring me home at 5am. lol

5.  Projects, projects, projects.  There's so many, that I don't know what to do or where to start.  With Stephanie's wedding - there's things I've told her I'd help her with; like mailing the save-the-dates, help with design work for her invites, figuring out colors, glassware and candy for her candy bar.  On top of that, I have to start working on her bridal shower invites.  Then I've spent a few hours this week researching jobs and applying to jobs.  Also have spent a few hours writing for my newest project, which is still under constructive criticism... so I'm keeping mostly everyone out of the loop, for now. 

6.  My madre had a bone marrow biopsy this week.  Not fun.  While she was there, my close friend Jackie (in Arizona) was getting induced to have her second baby.  Let's just say I was sitting at work having sympathy pains... for both of them.  Fortunately, my mom wasn't in tooo much pain afterwards - and had met her and my Dad for lunch..  And Jackie, well.. I haven't talked to her to find out how she was on the level of pain, but her and the baby are good and healthy.  Welcome to the world Henry Dean! =)

7.  And despite EVERYTHING I have going on, of course I'm urged to read a book so I can go watch the movie.  Those who know me pretty well, knows that I can't go see a movie and then read the book afterwards.  I have to read the book before I see the movie, or the book will never get read.  And we all know books have more information than movies.  So I'm trying to read "Something Borrowed", in the little time I have to read it... which is on the bike at the gym, getting a pedicure (which is not often enough, but I got a good chapter or two read yesterday during my pedi), or when I feel like taking a five minute break from all the other hectic stuff I have going on.
Saturday, May 14, 2011

"The Unknown Aunt"

So, I'm officially changing Saturdays to "Sweet Nothing Saturdays".  This is my free day to talk about anything and everything I want (thanks Jac for the idea).

This week while looking for specific pictures, my mom came across a "story" I had started writing/typing in 1998. 1998... I was, 11-12.  After reading it, wondering where the heck my mind was in that day and age... or what movie I had recently seen, or book that I recently read - I laughed and knew I had to share it. Who would have known 13 years later in my mid-20's I'd be interested in writing again, and trying to incorporate writing as a way of making a living/income.

Enjoy, and feel free to laugh, just no making fun! ;)

"The Unknown Aunt"


The night was scary.  Liz and Greg (brothers and sisters) had stayed the night at their Aunts.  Their Aunt lives about 200 miles away from home.  They both think there Aunt is a witch.  She looks old, and moves slowly but she’s only 39.

They stayed over there because their Mom and Dad were in an accident.  They are at the hospital right now.  Their parents might not live.  Their Aunt was adopted by their Grandmother.  So they don’t know who or where she really is and came from.  Nothing happened the first night, but here is what happens the next day………

Chapter 1
The Morning

Liz and Greg woke up they both ran to the mirror to see if they were themselves.  They have already stayed the night.  All of a sudden the phone rang in that room.  “ That phone never rings,” said Liz.  “Look it’s not hooked up,” said Greg.  Liz said,” Let’s get out of here!”  “Wait, shouted Greg, lets listen and see what happens.” Liz picked it up and said, “Hello?”  The person on the other line started screaming then laughing or should I say cackling.  Liz said, “Who’s this?” “Oh, is Jannicke there,” said the person on the other line.  Liz hung up.  They both went downstairs their Aunt was just sitting there.  Greg said, “Good morning Aunt Jannicke.”  Their Aunt stared at them walking towards them not blinking then started screaming!  Liz said,”What’s the..the..the..matter?
“Aunt Jannicke,” said their Aunt.  “Aunt Jannicke is the matter!” “What did you do when you woke up………..tell me!!!”  Liz and Greg told her the whole thing.  “Are you mad at us,” said Liz.  “No,” said their Aunt you did the right thing.  “Who was that?” asked Liz.  “My mom,” said their Aunt. “You said your mom was dead,” said Greg.  “She is, just forget about the whole thing ok kids?”  “OK,” they both said at the same time.

Chapter 2
The Afternoon

            They got a call on the Real phone.  It was their moms’ sister.  She had said that their mom and dad had died.  They both started crying.  Their Aunt tried to cheer them up but she couldn’t.  “Hey, said Greg if your mom is dead, can our mom and dad talk to us on that real funky phone?”  “I don’t quite know, maybe!” said their Aunt.  “When can we find out,” murmured Greg trying not to be so rude.  “Right now!” their Aunt said.  “Let’s go in the room next to your room,” said Jannicke.

Chapter 3
The Phone

            “O.K. you guys, on this paper here write the birthday, the name, age, their address, and when they got married,” said Aunt Jannicke.  So Liz and Greg did that.  Their Aunt typed it up on a typewriter, then sent it somewhere.  Later that day the unhooked phone rang, Greg and Liz picked it up said, “Hello?”  It was their parents.  They talked for about three hours.  And once in awhile they would all say,” We love and miss you very much.”  Then they finally hung up.  They had lunch.  They had a delicious meal.” Mmmm, said Liz, my favorite Nachos and Dr.Pepper.  Then after they had two scoops of Chocolatechip cookiedough ice-cream.  They were real hungry without breakfast that morning.

Chapter 4
What Now?

            They didn’t know what to do next.  Then there Aunt had an idea.  “I have two bikes in the garage why don’t you take those look around in the neighborhood.  When you get bored run by the store grab two dozens of eggs for me and one gallon of milk and go ahead and get yourselves something,” said their Aunt.  “O.K;” said Greg not very excited.  So they went and did that.  While they were gone their Aunt was busy as a bee!  Well Jannicke called her mom on the unhooked phone and told her everything.  “From now on call me on the real phone because the kids are using it to talk to their parents,” said Jannicke.  “O.K.” said her mom.  Then she had to talk to the kids parents.  “Hi, she said, I have to ask a couple of questions, “Who do you want the kids to live with,” said Jannicke.  “We want them to live with you,” the parents said at the same exact time.  “Where are their ID cards, so I know what their allergic to,” asked Jannicke.  “In the drawer next to the phone,” said their mom.  And is it alright if they can talk to you once or twice a week,” said Jannicke out of breath.  “Sure,” said their dad chuckling. “Alright, I’ll talk to you guys later bye,” said Jannicke.  “Bye,” they said together.  Jannicke quickly drove to the kids old house, packed everything, and got the ID cards in the drawer.  That took about two hours.  Liz and greg were already home, they had a key just in case a situation happened like that.  So they got on the house, put the eggs in the refrigerator, they already ate their stuff on the way home.  After they put the eggs in the refrigerator they fell asleep.  Jannicke got home and fell asleep with them.

Chapter 5
The News

They woke up around dinnertime.  “Where did all these boxes come from,” asked Liz.  “Your house,” said their Aunt.  “Are we living with you,” asked Greg.  “Yes,” their Aunt said.  They looked at each other like they saw a ghost.  They had a lot of questions to ask.  After the questions they figured out which room they wanted, and put all their stuff in it.  They have separate rooms and they were proud of it.  They were both fighting over the unhooked phone.  Luckily Aunt Jannicke had another unhooked phone.  After Liz said something that shouldn’t have been said, ”Are you some kind of nice witch or something?”  “What?”, said their Aunt, “well kind of but you can’t tell anyone or you’re living on the streets!”  “Oh!  You can talk to your parents once a week instead of once a month,” said Jannicke.  “That’s alright with me,” Liz and Greg agreed.  Later that night they watched the movie they got at the store, Goosebumps.  They got scared and went to bed.
            Liz had a dream that her Aunt was a real mean witch.  She woke up and saw her Aunt killing her brother she started screaming.  It turned out that she was still sleeping.  Her Aunt woke her up you were having a bad dream it’s ok, it’s ok.  Liz was praying to God that it was a bad dream.  Then she went in Greg’s room there was red spots on his bed!  And he was gone!  Liz asked her Aunt where Greg was.  She said he was in the bathroom. “Probably dead,” Liz was thinking.  Liz asked her Aunt why there were red spots on his bed.  Her Aunt said Greg was hungry he had a juicy hamburger and those red spots were ketchup.  Liz thanked God that her Aunt didn’t kill her little brother.
Friday, May 13, 2011

Craigslist Seller??

So I apologize for the late Thursday post, there was a problem with Blogger and I couldn't login.  So I tried posting from my phone, and it wouldn't publish that way either.  I finally was able to publish it from my phone this morning!


So yesterday, I had a package arrive! Woohoo!! I love packages, cause technically they're not bills.  The bills comes afterwards. LOL  But I received a new top, and a dress (to be worn at my clients rehearsal). I was sort of sad when I looked through my closet last week, I had either all party dresses, or casual/summer dresses.  So I HAD to buy a new dress... LOL  Anyways, when I went to my closet yesterday, and realized I had no hangers... I made myself choose 2 tops to throw out (funny, but not really). 

I have a couple tops that I bought off clearance online (non-returnable), that I had tried listing on eBay but didn't sell.  Today, I was curious if people sold clothes on Craigslist.  I looked, and came across a post from a girl asking for specific clothes from this designer (which I buy most of my clothes from), new or used.  So I came home and went through my closet.  It was a lot easier tossing stuff out knowing I was going to be making more money on it, than just tossing it into a yardsale pile.

So.. 10 shirts, 1 sweater, 1 skirt and 3 dresses later.  I free'd up 14 hangers!! WOOOHOOO!

So lets see if I sell this stuff... =)
Friday, May 13, 2011


This week I complained ALOT about work. Maybe not so much on my blog, but in person and on Facebook. But I do have to say out loud and admit that I'm thankful for having this job the last 7 years. It has paid the bills, has paid for shopping sprees, has paid for my Vegas, Arizona trips (and everywhere else I've gone). It has bought me a car, allowed me to have a cell phone, etc. Fortunately, I've been one of the few who had a good paying job when the economy decided to take a crap. So as I sit here on my new iPhone, in front of my new computer... I'm VERY thankful. And not only has it paid the bills, it helped me build a bitchin' resume. I guess being the 'go-to gal' at work and being able to do all that I do will pay off in the end. :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Adventure

So the last week or so, I have had the feeling that there's something missing in my life.  I mean I have amazing friends and family.  Boys aren't on the agenda right now, so even though I don't have one in my life, I actually prefer it that way for now.  I have a million and one things going on.  I'm working (2 jobs, but one I wouldn't consider a J-O-B, it's mainly a passion I get paid to do). ;) I have my clients wedding next week, then I have Stephs bridal shower to plan, and help her with any other wedding stuff.  I just got started back onto my gym routine, I'm back to blogging. But there's still a piece of me that feels like the outcome of my entire agenda, is for other people. What am I doing for myself?  Okay, yea the gym. Whoopiee! (Hence the sarcasm). ;)

So as busy as I am, I've decided and have toyed with the idea of adding another project up in the mix.  At dinner a few weeks ago, my grandmother told me my "back-up" plan for a job should be in journalism.  I've always enjoyed writing, even as a kid.  I've written a few decent poems in a poetry class I took in college; I absolutely loved it.  But never once considered doing something like that, for reals.  When my grandmother had said that, I was really taken aback.  I've heard from a few people how much they've enjoyed my blog, but I was thinking it was because of the content, not the context.  My sister chimed in after my grandma had said that I have a way with words, and had said that she ENJOYS reading my blog.  I make it interesting and enjoyable, then a few others agreed.  Some were saying they could see me as a journalist, or a columnist in a magazine.

Huh?!? Really?!? Okay....

Since then, the thought of me writing for a job has been playing around in the back of my head.  Does that mean if I wanted to pursue a career in journalism I'd have to go back to school?? UGGHH!!  So then I thought I should just write.  I mean, I write everyday on this blog (some I write more than others, but still.. it's a start right?) 

Well, I've been sitting on this "idea/concept" for the last 2 weeks; but hadn't said anything to anyone until last night. Although the last week I've felt really "low", and emotional... I feel like writing and letting out all my emotions might help and make a really good piece; and also make me feel better.  My friend, AKA future business partner, was nothing but excited, supportive, and truly believes in me and my "idea" after I told her.  She's offered her support, criticism, and advice.  Once I was told that my "idea/concept" wasn't a stupid one, and that someone other than myself believes it has great potential... that was my go ahead.  In the words of my amazing friend, "Heree weeee goooo... a new adventure!  Fun fun!!"

I'm starting to think that's what's been missing... Something new.  Excitement.  Challenging.  So here we go!

"Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness."
-Julia Cameron

"Creativity comes from trust.  Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work."
-Rita Mae Brown
Monday, May 09, 2011

It's Only Life...

WOW, has it been an emotional week for me.  I know that's normal when it's that 'time of the month', but I've never known to be emotional days after! LOL I laugh, but then again... feel like I can breakdown in tears at any moment.  My sister was talking just yesterday how sometimes she feels like just crying, and she has NO idea why.  So she'll sit there and cry.  I'm thinking I need to listen to her, and try that out.  I really don't have a specific reason for why I'm emotional... I think it's just the stress and just EVERYTHING in general that I feel a huge weight on my heart.  Yea it was a long week, I was sick half the week, was busy, and was that time of the month... I can blame all of that.  On top of that, I had to free my heart from something it was holding onto by a thread (which took me over a week to do), I had the Revlon Cancer Walk which is an emotional day in itself, and had the discussion of leaving California and trying to express to basically my entire family (grandma, aunts, cousins, mom and sisters) how I need to get out of here.  It was hard to sit there in front of them and explain that it has NOTHING to do with them... and of course I know I'm going to miss out on some things, and of course miss them - but I never thought during normal conversation when it came up that I'd break down in tears.  I simply was trying to tell them that I'm looking out for me, that I need to put myself first and think whats best for ME... and I couldn't even say that without tears.  I had to walk away to stop myself and breathe, or I knew I'd just sit there and look like a crying idiot.  It wasn't that I felt attacked, or judged or anything of that sort... but I think after the long week and the feeling of this heavy weight on me, I can seriously cry at the drop of a hat.  It's just frustrating that I want to get out on my own, go do something outside of the norm, be adventurous and venture out into the world on my own... and I feel that I can't, that I'm trapped.  (Of course I'm not physically trapped, but trying to find a job in the industry I want to be in, and not having any luck... is making me feel trapped, that I can't go anywhere).  And anyone who knows me can tell you, that I don't like not being in control and feeling trapped.

So this morning, I put my iPhone on random shuffle.  And one of my favorite artists that I haven't listened to in awhile came on... and this particular song came on... and then I had it on repeat.  It's amazing to me how much music can influence someones attitude, someones day, someones life.  I honestly wish that God had blessed me with musical capabilities... I would be LOST and probably a WRECK without music. 

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Seven Reasons Why I'm Sorry

Good morning & Happy Mother's Day to all my motherly readers!!

I'm hoping from here on out I'll be able to get back to consistently blogging... this last week has been a whirlwind! Let's start with where I left off last week... here are my seven reasons why I haven't blogged and why I'm sorry for leaving you all clueless to what's been going on the last week.. I know you were ALL worried and stressed cause I hadn't blogged.. ;)

1. Last Friday morning (after making cake balls and getting creative with wrapping a baby shower gift), I was able to catch up on my beauty sleep... or at least I think I did.  Went into work at 11, left at about 10pm.  We had our "Moonlight Madness Sale" at work, and let me tell ya... MADNESS!!  After that Josh and I were supposed to head down to LA to meet Bobby and other friends for his birthday celebration.  Unfortunately, then ended up bar hopping; and by the time Josh and I got dressed and headed down there... we figured we'd only have like an hour or so before all the bars and stuff started closing.  I was also afraid that by the time we'd get down there, they'd be ready to call it a night... so getting all dressed up and wearing heels, driving and spending the gas over to LA to bar hop for maybe 20 minutes than head home.. just wasn't worth it.  So I came home, finished packing and drove off to Indio for the weekend... here I come STAGECOACH!!

2. So I arrived in Indio Friday night; found Cindy and Brian met up with a friend to say hello, had  a couple drinks and went to bed.  But I layed in bed for like 2 hours cause I downed a Monster on the drive; and that kept me up ALLL night.  So Saturday morning, woke up and got ready for the day.  Hung out at the trailer and watched drunk, hungover or sober people walk up and down our street.  Started drinking at like noon, headed over to the venue to park our chairs for the concerts later... went back to the trailer, drank some more.  Walked around our RV lot, made fun of people.  Went back to the trailer, drank some more.  Headed back to the venue, drank some more. Watched Chris Young, Darius Rucker... while drinking some more.  Finally met up with my BFF (Bobby) and his girlfriend and family... hung out with them for a little bit.  They left, I went back to Cindy and Brian... watched Kenny Chesney (he made me cry).  Went back to the trailer, drank some more and ended up drunk texting a friend that was there... we were texting back and forth until I went into the trailer to pee, and ended up knocking out.  Then I woke up a few hours later to a stuffy nose, coughing, headache... so I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol consumed, or if I was getting sick.  So my wonderful aunt that she is, got me some Emergen-C.  And woke me up 5min after she gave it to me and made me drink it ALL! lol I woke up Sunday morning covered in my own used tissue with a massive headache... took a shower (which helped alot), but my nose was still messed up and I had a feeling there were drugs involved for that day.  Thankfully Cindy's friend had meds, so I was loaded on meds all day, which means no drinking for me (okay, okay.. I had like 3 beers the whole day).  Sunday morning I ended up meeting Bobby and his people at the venue to mark our spot and put our chairs down for Sunday's concerts.  Bobby and his gf and her sister came back with me to the RV, hung out for a bit; walked around the RV lot and stopped to say hello to a friend... went back to our RV, hung out for a bit more... then they left back to the venue.  I took more drugs then knocked out in a chair in front of our RV, then soon woke up to some random guy in my face holding out his hand. LOL (I guess this guy walked by and introduced himself to Cindy, I had sunglasses on so he didn't know I was sleeping.. then I woke up with him in my face.. and I hear Cindy say.. uhh shes sleeping!) LOL So after that we all headed to the venue and watched Easton Corbin, and Josh Turner (who I love even MORE now that I saw him live).  Somewhere in between them playing, I realized that the parking lot my car was parked in closes from 9pm-1am.  Cindy and Brian had already decided they're leaving in the middle of Carrie Underwood because the RV lot closed at 9pm also... Bobby and his group stayed at a hotel and they were leaving that night... so I had no choice to get to my car and leave before 9.  Which Carrie Underwood (who was AMAZING!!!) was over at 8:45, so I had to hightail my sick butt to a parking lot which I had no idea where it was in 15min to get to my car so I could leave that night.  Which means... no watching Rascal Flatts for me. =( Trust me, I was completely bummed... then I was pissed when I get to the lot and they end up telling everyone that they're not closing it.  If I wasn't sick and tired, I would have walked back... but it wasn't a short walk and felt like crap so I just left.

3.  Monday I had to go to work, cause I have a customer I visit every Monday morning.  I woke up feeling like crap, but wasn't TOOOO bad.  Throughout the day I just kept feeling worse and worse.  So I left work about 2ish, came home ate and took some NyQuil.  Probably knocked out about 3, then woke up at like7:30ish... Mom was making dinner so I told her to wake me up at 9 so I can eat and take more meds... she did, then I went back to bed and woke up at 7am the next morning. 

4.  I wouldn't have gone to work on Tuesday, but given that I had received like 15 million emails (okay, fine... I'm exaggerating just a little); but I had to go into work for a bit.  But after like 15 hours of sleep, was still exhausted and feeling like crap. So I went to work... still feeling like crap.  Mind you, I blow my nose VERY loudly... so when I have to blow my nose at work, I go into the bathroom... I was so crappy that I didn't even care, I didn't have the strength to keep walking back n forth to blow my nose, so instead I stayed in the office.. and ended up getting called an elephant, and then Snuffaluphagus (by my boss). LOL Went home about 1-2 and did the same thing.  Went home and ate, took some NyQuil and slept another 15 hours.

5.  Wednesday I felt a little better.  Still took drugs, but my body wasn't as heavy and was just stuck with the aftermath of getting all the crap that accumulated out of my body (coughing stuff up and blowing stuff out) LOL Sorry if I grossed anyone out... but finally Wednesday I wasn't as out of it and was able to pay bills and do other stuff that I wasn't mentally able to do. Went and grabbed frozen yogurt after work, met Tristan and the boys and ate our yogurt.. then went home!

6.  Thursday felt A LOT better.  Worked a full day, Tristan came over after work to hangout and made dinner with me.. Yuumm Taco Salad!  Watched Tangled (totally recommend watching that movie if you haven't), then took Trit home.  Friday had another "catch-up" dinner with Erin; right after work I stopped and picked up a few T-shirts for the walk this weekend, met Erin at Red Robin, then went to Old Navy and grabbed my Mama's Mother's Day present, then headed over to Walmart and grabbed stuff a baby shower gift and stuff for Saturday morning.  Stopped by Yogurtland on my way home, then called it a night!

7.  Woke up at 5am, got out of bed at 5:30... got ready.  Everyone (Tristan, Desiree, Shannon and Sarah) were here at the house and them and the fam (everyone but Dad and Robby) headed out to LA (finally left the house at 6:30) and drove out to the Revlon Walk all in our camo shirts.  FINALLY parked, met up with Jo and Robert who were also walking with us, got our shirts/bags, walked around to see the vendors, then finally made it and did the walk!  After the walk drove over to Casa Sanchez for lunch, then Trit and I headed over to a friend of ours (Ashley Macias) baby shower... which we still were dressed in our walking outfits and completely pooped.  We stayed long enough to play a game, and chit chat, but then were both exhausted so we left.  Trit was hosting a dinner with close friends that night, so she had to get home.. I was just pooped.  Came home and uploaded a crapload onto facebook, and went to sleep!

So.. as you can tell, I've had a loooong, craaazzy, siiiickly, and sleeepy week.  I took a small nap yesterday after uploading pictures on facebook, and I felt like crap... Mom and I hoped that I wasn't sick and was just tired.  But when I woke up this morning, I still had my stuffy nose.. but felt fine.  THANK GOD!

Here are some pictures from the walk!!  Enjoy!!!

Friday, May 06, 2011


WOW!  Forgive me my little followers... it has been a long, crazy, sickly, sleepy week since the last time I had posted  (which I will rant and rave about SOMETIME this weekend; I'll make time for you.. I promise).  Crazy how much I've missed blogging.  As busy as I was, as sick as I was, or as asleep as I was... I really just wanted to sit down.. breathe and blog.  Blogging is my only time to really calm down and not think or worry about anything else.. I feel like I've heard those words before... coming from my Dad when we complain about him and his games. LOL  Anywho... I will stick with today's subject and then tell you all about my crazy week on Sunday! ;)

Fashion Friday... oh how I've missed thee. So, tis the season to have babies.  Seriously, everyone is popping out kids left and right.  My wallet can only pay for so many baby shower gifts.  I'm completely bummed I didn't get a picture of Lauren's final baby shower gift.  It was the cutest thing EVER!  And I gave myself a pat on the back for the clever idea.  But I basically got her a black and white striped bag (with tons of outside pockets that can hold bottles, wipes, etc) and the handles were bright pink, and I had "Moreno Girls" embroidered on it.  Figured she can use it as a diaper bag, a toy bag, clothing bag, whatever her little heart desires.. but to hold both the girls' things.  (Still crazy to think she's gonna have 2 little girls running around... it's exciting!)  So, fashion.. back on topic Val.  So today, I had to go grab a couple little things for a shower I'm going to tomorrow.  Tomorrow's shower is for a friend I've known since Kindergarten.  We lost touch back in high school and a couple years after ended up having the same class together at CSUSB.. where we caught up and started talking again.  Then outta know where, she moved to Washington.. got married and now has a baby on the way.  Her family lives here, and on one of her visits we did dinner.  But.. it's nice to know that no matter how much time passes... there are still those friends that you can pick up right where you left off... those are the kinda friends you know that will always be there... always. =)
Anywho... her hubby's in the Army.. so while looking for bibs and whatnot to fill her lil basket.. I came across the CUTEST onsies!  So I decided I had to share these on this fashionable Friday! ;)