Thursday, March 31, 2011

13 Thank You's....

So I got a little creative this Thursday.  I put a little, ok wait, A LOT more thought into this one.  I've been thinking a lot of those people who have helped me, guided me, adviced me (I just made up my own word), and have been there for me throughout my lifetime.  There are those who have been in my life for almost 20 years, some 10 years, some 7 years, some just a couple years, and some whom I have known my entire life - who I think have been there for me when I most needed it, on more than one occasion.  And as I sat here thinking, of all these people who have helped me and made a huge impact in my life.. if I had ever really truly thanked them.  So I sat here and wrote out 13 thank you cards for the top 13 people I think have made the biggest impact (excluding my immediate family...). Whether they made a huge impact on me recently, a long time ago, throughout the years, whatever it may be - they're card was either handed to them or mailed to them.  Some may actually be surprised that I consider them one of the top 13 people who've impacted my life - but those top 13 I'd like to keep anonymous.  But I'll share a little bit of what I was thankful for with each person (in no particular order):

1.  I'm thankful for this friend who would tell me what I needed to hear, even if it hurts.
2.  I'm thankful for this friend who I can honestly say that I can trust with my life.
3.  I'm thankful for this friend who has genuinely cared and has offered advice when I want it or not.
4.  I'm thankful for this friend who has given me so much support in anything I wanted to do or did throughout the years I've known them.
5.  I'm thankful for this friend who has been there through all the good and the bad, and is and always will be there.
6.  I'm thankful for this friend who gave our friendship a chance.
7.  I'm thankful for this friend who makes me talk when they can tell something is wrong.
8.  I'm thankful for this friend who has put up with me for almost 20 years.
9.  I'm thankful for this friend who's like an older sister, gives advice and lets me fight with her.
10.  I'm thankful for this friend who finally crossed over to my side (lol).
11.  I'm thankful for this friend who I know I can always count on.
12.  I'm thankful for this friend who came back into my life, and was there for me at the most perfect time.
13.  I'm thankful for this friend who listens to me day in and day out, without a choice.

A majority of you will be receiving your "thank you" by mail... a handful of you received it by hand.  But I think by reading this post, will clarify my reasoning for thanking you.  Though, it's not really a reason... just merely the thought of you and how I wanted you to know that I'm grateful for you being in my life and for who you are... my FRIEND. =)  Love you all!!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Officially whining about people scaring me today. I know it was all done out of love, fun and games.... But it got me thinking, have I ever scared someone intentionally with something I knew they were scared of? And to be completely honest, I dont think I have. I mean we all jump out at each other, chase each other with bugs, and tell ghost stories... But don't think I've ever done something like tape a picture to someones mirror or the wall of someones shower of something that they're terrified of. Maybe because I know what it feels like to be terrified of something or maybe cause I've never come across someone and an opportunity to scare them... But I'm leaning towards the reasoning of knowing it's not cool and knowing the feeling. I was scared this morning, probably more terrified than most people think, when opening my shower door to see this evil clown picture on my wall... I can't even tell you what the clown was doing or what color his hair was, or anything. I looked away so fast, tried to catch my breath, then try to rip it off the wall with my eyes closed so I can get in the shower. I quickly got over it, and decided to look at the "sunny side" (if there was such a thing when almost dying of a heart attack) and decided to laugh about it instead of getting super pissed off. So it was all "fun and games" scaring those who I thought were involved, that they had started a war. Then thanks to my mother, who threw the little sister (who flew solo) under the bus. So it's been fun getting her scared about how bitchy my friend Karma can be, and how she should watch her back. So by the end of the work day, I was over it. Until I get a picture message from Josh at work, of an evil clown. It might have been the same clown that I saw this morning, but I opened the message then quickly closed it. Being more awake and aware, and after explaining to the guys at work about how really scared I am of clowns... I was pissed, scared, and on the verge if tears. So I walked to the back (where the boys are) and handed Bobby my phone, asking him to delete the picture for me. I think they finally realized how truly scared I am of them, after seeing me close to crying. He then apologized and sent a picture if 2 cats that said "you + me = friendship". I couldn't help but laugh, so I let him slide (given it was his first offense and he didn't realize how seriously I'm scared if them)... But I made sure to text him that it's okay, I forgive him... But I hate cats. LOL

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Look at the sunny side...

"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  Look at the sunny side of everything & make your optimism come true.  Think only of the best, work only for the best.  Forget the mistakes of the past & press on to the greater achievements of the future.  Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.  Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side - as long as you are true to the best that is in you!"
-Christian D. Larson

I absolutely LOVE this!!!  I'm definitely one who believes that actions speak louder than words, and I am going to try my hardest to live by this.  I think not only will my life, but everything in it - my entire world will benefit from thinking this way (along with believing that EVERYTHING happens for a reason).  I'm now looking at the "sunnier" side of life, of every situation, every relationship/friendship.  And even though I may not have gone to where I intended to go (at this exact moment in my life and the months prior; physically [California] & emotionally), I'm starting to think that I ended up where I needed to be.


But don't think for one second if I get a job offer.. anywhere, that I won't consider the opportunity. =)
Monday, March 28, 2011

You just keep me hangin' on...

Okay.. so I just realized I haven't written about American Idol. Ahh!! Shame on me! LOL

I have 2 favorites... I'm only going to write about one of them tonight (gotta save the other for maybe next Monday lol)  I absolutely LOVE Lauren Alaina.  She's the blonde 16-year old "southern belle" - who by the way does NOT sound 16, or look 16.  I've purchased 2 of her songs on iTunes already.. she already sounds like a professional (in my opinion).  And I'm really hoping she makes it all the way through.  Below is her performance from last week.. might I add that I also LOVE her dress she wore this night.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Short & Sweet

Okay... I'm making this list short and sweet... only because I've been sitting in the same spot all day, and don't feel like sitting here for very much longer.

1.  Bought a new computer (the reason why Ive been sitting here all day - trying to transfer everything over).

2.  Went to a 1-year olds birthday party this weekend, and was able to catch up with Erin & Aimee (good softball/high school friends of mine).

3.  Drove to 29 Palms to pick up my brother cause he wanted to come home this weekend.

4.  Went and hung out at my aunts house for dinner (and wine)

5.  I received my tax refund.. WOOOHOOO!! Paid some bills, bought the computer, and hoping to get my spoiler put on my car soon.

6.  Gym... made it there only 3 time so far... 4x if I can get there tonight.

7.  Had a date with Trit and the Gwartney kids this week... Pita Pit & Coffee Bean. YUM!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011

No Gym, Saturday Sin!

Okay okay... So I've set a goal for myself to go to the gym at least 5 days a week.  Being that I've already taken 2 days off this week, I HAD to go today and tomorrow.  So... I woke up this morning (at a reasonable time might I add) and had to go run a few errands (which included the gym).  So I get dressed for the gym, went tanning and headed up to Chino Hills to hit the gym, Dollar Tree, and Best Buy.  Aaaanndd... I only made it to Dollar Tree and Best Buy.  I was on a time limit, I had a birthday party to go to at 2pm, and it was already 1pm.  Sooo.. I had to break my goal this week. (wha wha wha)

((Thought I'd let everyone know right now that I just spent like 5 minutes asking everyone how to spell "wha wha wha"... but you have to hear how I'm saying it to get it... anywho, I thought it was funny so I had to share....))

(((I also have to share that I'm using my new Mini HP to do my blog... YAAAY for my tax refund!!)))
Friday, March 25, 2011

Wearing Camo.. Yes or No?

WOW... It's Friday already?!? Just kidding.. I've actually been counting down the days till it was Friday.  But in regards to my blog... I'm totally unprepared! LOL

Today's fashion sense is somewhat related to my brother, in a weird way.  I just got back from picking him up from the Marine base in 29 Palms.. and all I saw there.. was CAMOUFLAGE!  Which reminds me that I recently bought a pair of Bermuda type like camouflage shorts (which I haven't worn yet - 1. Because the weather has totally sucked, 2. Cause I'm definitely not TAN enough to wear shorts, and 3. I don't know what kinda top to wear with it).  So I thought posting pictures of "dos" and "donts" to wearing camouflage (if you are not in the service, of course)...


 I'm not saying this because I'm a wedding planner, but please, it is NEVER okay to wear a camouflage wedding dress... If you want that sort of theme for your wedding, there are OTHER ways to incorporate it.

2 wrongs don't make a right... 1st offense - a kilt.  2nd offense - a camouflage kilt. LOL

Girl or boy, young or old, skinny or not skinny... DON'T EVER WEAR THIS IN PUBLIC!

So.. Ive seen some camouflage flats that are cute, and some flip-flops... have also seen chucks that look pretty cool.. but these? I no likey...

A camouflage business suit? REALLY!?!?

Okay, now that I'm done laughing at myself, and finding myself quite humorous... here's what I think is appropriate:

Camouflage swimwear.. for boys and girls.
Camouflage tee's - whether working out or not working out.. just make sure you don't pair it up with something that makes you look like you're in the service (when you're not).

I don't know if you want to call this a blazer, or just a jacket - and I'm not trying to be biased, but I think only girls can pull this look off with the jacket.

As long as one piece of clothing is camouflage, I think it's okay; whether it be pants, leggings, shorts...

Camouflage accessories - hats, bags, purses... I think is appropriate to wear as long as you have the right outfit.

Some of you may agree with my fashion sense, some of you may not... maybe some of you will learn.  Whichever way, do whatever or wear whatever floats your boat... but if you wear something that I don't approve of in front of me.. I'll most likely be talking about your outfit behind your back. ;)
Thursday, March 24, 2011


I am sooo thankful that I'm creative. Hehe  Yesterday morning I started thinking about Stephs bridal shower... and I pretty much have it all planned now.  I ran my ideas and worked out the tweaks with my Mom... and now I'm sitting here looking for certain things online and I'm thinking "damn, I'm good!".  I just need to work on the location... lol
But other than that... we've worked everything out from the appetizers to lunch, to dessert to drinks, to take home gifts and decor... Now I feel like this is what my thoughts are going to revolve around for the next few days... LOL  Thank you God for blessing me with my creativity and my need to plan. =) 
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm officially DONE with my laptop!! I'm not sure if it's because it's outdated, if I have too much crap stored on it... or... I don't know what else could be the problem.  But I'm DONE!!  For those of you interested in getting a new computer/laptop..
DO NOT... I repeat, DO NOT buy a Dell!!  They don't last!  I've gone through like 2 batteries, have bought new power cords, new chargers... and it still shuts off as soon as it gets unplugged... oh and moves like a snail!! LOL So I'm sitting here patiently waiting for my tax return so I can go get a new computer, and an external hard-drive.  I'm hoping once I get those, I can completely clean this computer out and have someone look at it to see if there's a problem that can be fixed.  I definitely don't want to chance it and wait for this computer to die like my last one  (which also was a Dell!!).. that one is still in a closet waiting to be taken to someone who could possibly fix it... I think I have pics from high school stored on that computer.. (yikes!)  I definitely would LOVE to go through what I have saved on that computer.. LOL

Anywho.. if you got anything from this Wednesday's Whine, I hope you think twice about buying a Dell. =)

Hope everyone had a great Wednesday... stay warm & dry!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Absolutely ridiculous.. Definitely on the right track!

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
-Marilyn Monroe

I absolutely LOVE this quote.  It goes right along with someone calling me weird today, and I replied back "Haha, I know.. I love it."  Then he laughed at me cause I agreed that I was weird.. LOL. I love being the weird one.  It makes life more fun, and less boring! I don't want to be the normal, perfect one that follows the rules and does everything by the book.  I'd rather be the girl who is imperfect, breaks the rules, and sometimes a complete mess.  I want to be the weird, fun and crazy girl that people look at and say "I wanta be friends with her!"  And then, if you're lucky enough to have me in your life as a friend... you get the honest, loving, and trustworthy friend along with the weird and crazy. ;)

Imperfection, madness, and absolutely ridiculous... I would have LOVED to be in Marilyn Monroe's world.
Monday, March 21, 2011

Whys Everything Gotta be so Intense With Me?

My heart beat, beats me senselessly; whys everything gotta be so intense with me?
I'm trying to handle all this unpredictability, and all probability...

It's a long shot, but I say why not... If I say forget it, I know that I'll regret it.
It's a long shot just to be these odds...
The chance is we won't make it, but I know if I don't take it...there's no chance.
Cause you're the best I got, so take the long shot.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I told y'all I was going to post recent pics, weelllll... I was in a good mood today and had a little too much fun! Haha! Photo montage!!

-Posted from my iPhone
Sunday, March 20, 2011

GTS (Gym, Tanning, Shopping)

I feel like this whole week revolved around ME! Which unselfishly, felt VERY nice!

1) Started the gym on Monday, and made it there 5x this week. One of which was at 5am before work!!

2) Started tanning this week too. I had a free week at a place in Chino Hills, so I thought.. Why the hell not? Plus, I was almost iridescent... And you know it's bad when the guys at work are telling me I need to tan. LMAO

3) Got the hair colored on Wednesday... LOOOVVEE it!!!

4) Yardhouse with my boys. Had a couple drinks with my boys... Oh and laughed at Bobby who had green lips and green teeth from his green beer.

5) Friday night had dinner with some friends for Sonny's birthday. Was nice seeing those boys, it had been waay too long.

6) Robby came home this weekend! Though we really didn't see much of each other... He was doing his thing while I was out doing my thing (shopping)... We did manage to go to the gym together! Lol

7) Red Riding Hood is by far the BEST movie I've seen in A LOOONG time!! It was so good, I want to go watch it again! Thanks to Kris and Sonny for the invite, and for laughing at my commentary through the movie. :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Retail Therapy

So I reaaaalllly don't want it to seem like every Saturday I talk about what I feel guilty EATING. LOL  But honestly, that's what a majority of my sins are... or.. what I believe are my sins (cause we all know that I'm an Angel... Hehehe).  Cause I know what I should be eating and what I should NOT be eating. So not only will I tell you about the AMAZING cake I made for one of my BFF's birthday... but I'll also tell you what else made me feel guilty this week.

So first off, sin #1... the "Almost Better Than Sex Cake".  I've told a few people about the cake, and they beg to differ that cake can NEVER almost be better than sex, but... they've never tried it, so they can't talk. But the people who did eat the cake, said that the cake definitely lives up to its name. HA! So there!!! To those of you who doubted the cake... IN YO FACE!! ;) JK  But honestly, it's an AMAZING cake.  I can't tell the secret ingredients... but it's a German Chocolate cake... and there's caramel, health bar and cool whip involved.  YUUUMM!!  Thankfully, a friend of mine and myself shared a piece... (Thanks Kris!!) =)

Sin #2... I feel like I've been spending money I shouldn't have this week.  Retail therapy is good for the soul, but bad for the wallet. And my hair was just a definite must this week... so given that I had a little extra spending money this paycheck (I hope I didn't overdo it, I'm about to look at my checkbook... yikes! lol), I treated myself to some much needed retail therapy.  So I have Victoria Secrets and the little "chink" stores in Chino to thank. 

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday, and enjoying the sun while it's out!! =)
Friday, March 18, 2011

Email Advertisment = SMART!

Why am I such a sucker for shopping online?!? UGGH!!
First off, I have to remind myself that signing up on an email list will result in spending money I shouldn't.  I haven't bought anything.. yet.  But I'm such a sucker when I get the emails that say.. "50% off Clearance, Just Today!", or the "Buy One Get One Half Off!!"  Today I received an email from Victoria Secrets... "20% off Bra Tops".  Not knowing what exactly a "bra top" is... I clicked on the link in the email and was sent to their website.  And OMG... these tops are tooooo cute!

So they're pretty much tops with "behind-the-scene support".  But they are super cute, and since they're from VS you have to assume that they'll have enough support, right?  Anyway.. the tops are stinkin cute, and I'm debating on spending the $25-$40 for one.  I have tooooo many favorites though... below are the ones in debate (if there will even be a debate by the end of the weekend lol)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

On this BEAUTIFUL Thursday, I am thankful for quite a bit.

I'm thankful for my bladder almost exploding this morning and making me wake up and not oversleep.
(To be thankful for that, I have to be thankful for how much water I've been drinking.)

I'm thankful for there NOT being ANY traffic this morning!!  Which usually makes me in a bad mood on the Thursdays I'm out visiting my accounts.

I'm thankful for my accounts giving it to me REALLY easy today.

I'm thankful for Coffee Bean and their Blueberry-Peach Lattes
(To be thankful for that, I have to be thankful for Tristan introducing me to my new obsession).

I'm thankful for my outside sales guys not bothering me at all today at work. LMAO

I'm thankful for my Mama who doesn't mind taking phone calls from me at the grocery store asking her what the difference is between "caramel topping", "butterscotch topping" and "caramel butterscotch topping", and then also if  "non-dairy whipped topping" is the same as "cool whip".
(Why can't recipes be more specific?!? - I'm NOT thankful for that! LOL)

And last but not least... I'm thankful for today being St. Patrick's Day.  Thank you for giving me a reason to go out tonight and have a drink! ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Okay, so I got my hair colored AGAIN today.  I'm officially complaining that red is probably THE WORST color for your hair.  I mean, I absolutely LOVE the color and how it looks... but I HATE how fast it fades! It's probably a more "costly" upkeep than being blonde!  LOL   

And while I'm whining and complaining about my hair... why the heck do I not have long and thick hair (naturally)? SIIIIGHH.... Thanks Mom! ;) Some days I wish I had my short little bob, but I really do like having longer hair that isn't thin and actually curls and styles the way I want it!  (For those of you who do not know... this girls gotta weave!) HAHA! ;)

Anywho.. the last time I got my hair done, I took pics and then ended up photoshopping it a lil to make my hair look a little more red... (this was taken right after it was done!  It doesn't look like that about month after... GRRR!!)  But we went even MORE red tonight and I absolutely LOVE it!  I'll have to post a more recent picture later. =)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Battling it out...

"Be kinder than necessary - for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
-Author Unknown

While out in Arizona, Jackie had taken me to a cute little boutique shop, and we saw this quote written down on a chalkboard.  We both instantly fell in love with the quote, and as soon as we saw it, I told her "Tuesdays Inspiration!" LOL

But back to the quote... it's soo true.  I have to remember, just because I'm having a bad day (when I do), I have to remember to not let that effect me and and my attitude towards others.  Everyone has those days, we all know that.  But everyone is fighting some kind of battle; whether it be a financial battle, a health battle, a relationship battle, a work battle...the list can go on!  But everyone is battling at least something.  So that doesn't give us any right to treat someone poorly, just because we feel we deserve we can because of what we're going through.

I have this quote written down and hung up in my room, so I see it when I walk out my door.  I'm 100% guilty for taking my anger/frustration out on others who don't deserve it.  I actually just sort of did that to a co-worker right now before I sat down to write this blog... but I'm hoping by seeing and reading that quote everyday, will help me as I leave my room/my house... to remember, everyone is fighting a battle, the world does NOT just revolve around me! ;)
Monday, March 14, 2011

My love's too big for you, my love...

I love Mondays... my whole life revolves around music, so when I can share a song... it makes my day! :)

Today I chose "Sort Of" by Ingrid Michaelson.  I've recently downloaded her latest album, and her type of music just fits my mood lately. 

It "sort of" fits with my life.  There's sort of a face that starts up my heart, but unfortunately, he sort of has the hands that can rip me apart.  I never thought a love can be "too big" for someone.  We spend our lives searching for someone to love us with all that they have for all that we are.  We search for someone who loves us inside and out, and for someone who loves us for who we are and wouldn't want us to change a thing.  We search for someone compatible, someone who can make us a better person, someone who makes us want to BE a better person, someone we call a best friend.  We search for someone who challenges us, someone to make us laugh, someone to make us smile, someone to LOVE us unconditionally...  someone who just makes each and every day 10x better than it would be without them!  So, personally... I never thought a love can ever be too big for someone... until recently.

The only difference between this song, and my life... is that I eventually gathered every ounce of strength in me, to get up and go, and I "left the show".  As hard as it was and is, as much as I never would have imagined having that strength... I found it, somewhere.  I'm not saying it was easy... and I'm not saying there aren't days that I feel lost, hurt, confused.. I have those days when I have a feeling of regret in the pit of my stomach or the days I break down and cry for 2 minutes, then I'm over it (not fun lol).  But... it is what it is, and life goes on...and even though I'm trying to believe that my love won't be too big for someone else... I know deep down it won't be.  I'm still in the convincing stage that I'll be okay, and still trying to accept the fact that I will, eventually, love someone just as much.. someone who wants it and can handle all of my love.

I'm sorry my love was just too big for you, my love!
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Coffee Bean, Bride Quartet, & Hobby Lobby!!

Sunday's Seven... this is actually quite a task for me (especially if I don't cheat by starting a list at the beginning of the week)... I can't remember what I did yesterday, let alone what I've done the past 7 days!!! Hehe! ;)

1.  Started off the week having dinner with a bestie (Tristan)... Riverside Grill...YUUUMM!!  Then went over to Coffee Bean, where she influenced my newest obsession and craving - a hot Peach-Blueberry Tea Latte, (YUUMMM x10) and where she gave me an iPhone 411 lesson. =)  Thanks friend!

2.  Met up with the same couple who was interested in my wedding coordinating services, and signed the contract!  Woohoo! Finally have a wedding on the calendar!  I think the economy should start picking up NOW!  I would LOVE to have more in the books! =)

3. Started the LAST book of Nora Roberts' "Bride Quartet".  I'm sad that this is the last one... so I've been holding off since Christmas.  But, I started it this week... excited but sad. (Yes, I know I'm weird, but you ALL love me!!) ;)

4. Sold my iPod Nano, and my Blackberry on eBay! Woohooo!!! I also bought a couple things on eBay this week too... "The Knot's Book of Flowers", and a VS gym water bottle (since I dropped mine in the parking lot at work and it cracked, it was VERY depressing).

5.  5-6 hour drive to Phoenix Friday night, 5-6 hour drive back from Phoenix Sunday night.  I'm pooped!!

6.  Made it to Hobby Lobby, and this REAALLLY cute boutique shop while out in Arizona!  I could definitely get into some MAJOR trouble (financially) in Hobby Lobby.  I sort of wish I had a specific event to shop for... definitely have to go out there before my sister's bridal shower (so I can buy everything there)!

7. Went to church this morning in Phoenix... and am seriously going to try to go every Sunday (not in Phoenix, obviously) lol
Saturday, March 12, 2011

More like Arizona Sins...

Boysenberry Onion Garlic Cheese Bread (in case you were wondering)


X3... Or was it 4?

X2 (trying to make myself feel better)

I forgot to take a picture of my yogurt, but we did take a pic of the cool topping dispensers.

These are a majority of the sins consumed while out here in Arizona. Can't wait to hit the gym on Monday!

- Posted from my iPhone
Friday, March 11, 2011

The Post Dedicated to Ali

This Fashion Friday's post was inspired by the one and only Aliyah Joy....

Never walk around the house wearing your PJ's and a shower cap, Ali is the only one who can get away with that looking cute.

PB&J and chocolate icecream doesn't make for good cosmetics. It may be edible, and taste yummy... but only looks cute on 1-year olds.

Ok, ok... On a more serious note, here are my fashionable finds for today that I couldn't leave without... ACCESSORIES!!

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arizona Bound!

This Thursday I am soooooo thankful that my amazing and beautiful friend Jackie, doesn't live too far where I cant drive to visit her or live too close where I can't consider it a "vacation". I've been watching the clock all day...!!! Hoping in an hour to be on the road and gone for the weekend!! :) Thanks Jac for the vacation spot! ;)

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Testing 123

Testing, testing... 1-2-3

I just bought this app on my phone, so I can now PROMISE I will never miss a day to blog. :) in preparation for my mini-vaca (departing tomorrow late afternoon), I decided this purchase was necessary. ;)

- Posted from my iPhone

Location:Ontario, CA

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The CURSED Pants!!!

Okay... I wasn't going to write about these pants until Friday.  But this can't wait.  Cause it's my only day to whine! ;)

Okay, so I got a pair of white jeans on sale for SUUUPER cheap, and they're normally like $50.  So I finally took off the tags a couple days ago and have been debating wearing them or not.  I knew there was a "time" that you couldn't wear pants, after labor day.  But how soon could you wear them?  I was told by my aunt, not until after Memorial Day.  So while getting dressed this morning, I figured... what the hell. I'm gonna wear them.. only because I know I'm leaving work early, so I anticipated sitting in my office all day and not getting dirty.

So.. here's how my morning went.  It took me over an hour to get to work, the 10-freeway was COMPLETELY stopped this morning.  I had to work my way onto the shoulder to follow the rest of the cars who were getting off the next exit.  Then... silly me obviously didn't know where the hell I was when I got off the Euclid exit (you have to turn down a street off the exit to get to Euclid), so I got somewhat lost, or just twisted around for a minute.  Then one thing after another happened at work.. I did NOT stay in my office the time I was there.  I think I spent more time running around (trying not to get dirty).  I have 2 customer accounts that I manage, of course BOTH of them call today NEEDING my help.  One of them included me driving down to Riverside to pick up product that was shipped wrong, and dropping off the correct product (and HAVING to go, and also HAVING to get back to Upland in time for my doctors appointment).  This was AFTER sending out a mass email to all of my email accounts apologizing for the hacker email that was sent out about "meds".  This was also AFTER I realized that, wearing white pants at this specific time of the month was NOT a good idea... (nothing happened, but just the thought of it paranoid me).  It felt like one thing after another, after another!! So as I sat there in between the little chaotic moments, my aunt and I just sat there laughing that these pants were the blame and that they are cursed.  So I am OFFICIALLY never wearing them to work again, and I'm actually hesitant on wearing them again, EVER!!  I told my aunt I may actually toss them... they were only like $5! (it was an AMAZING sale lol).  But for reals...  so I'm sitting here writing about them.. staring at them on my bedroom floor... CURSED!!! Better believe I changed my pants as soon as I got home, especially since I'm meeting with my new clients to sign their contract for my coordinating/planning services on their wedding day!! ;)
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

LIVE it & LOVE it!

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Mae West

I'm going deep today... we only live once.  Scary isn't it?  To think that world goes on, that everyone else still goes on with their daily lives even when we're gone.  So how do we decipher if we're doing it right or not?

I definitely know there have been times in my life, where once WAS enough.  Going through that awkward phase would say 5th through.. maybe 7th grade.. hitting puberty and finding out that life is more about school and softball. LOL  Freshman year of high school, yea that was a blast... NOT!  And plenty of other times that I'd rather not talk about...  but I know I wouldn't wanta do it again.
I'd like to think that I'm doing it right, living my life to the fullest.  I don't live with regrets, I take life day by day and I swing my hardest at each curve ball it throws at me.  I pursued my education as far as I could handle, I try to better myself as much as I can, I genuinely care about others.  I've experienced losing loved ones, have experience betrayal, have experienced amazing friendships, have experienced love...
Think I'm doing pretty good so far. 

Can't wait to see what else I can add to that list. =)  Do it right people, you only live once!  So stop sitting there and watching your life pass you by!  Take a risk, take a chance... on ANYTHING!  It's your LIFE... so LIVE it!!!
Monday, March 07, 2011

I'm Just Sitting on the Shelf....

I am in LOVE with this song right now.  I'm sure I've heard it before now, but I was watching videos on "Project Wedding" the other day of the "new" save-the-date-trend... and one of the videos had this song.  So of course I downloaded it, and it's been sorta on replay.  The band is She & Him, she being Zooey Deschanel (who I think is great, and I love her quirkiness).  But I downloaded a few of their other songs, they have an older style to their music, but I LOVE it!  The music video was a little strange though, so I found a video that she did with Joseph Gordon-Levitt (co-star in 500 Days of Summer), which I think is a little more entertaining than the original music video. ;)  But here's both videos if you're interested!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wings, eBay, & Muscle Relaxers

Sunday's Seven, for those who weren't following me on my previous blog... is where I list 7 things that I did or that happened this week.

1. Figured out how to download apps and work my iPhone! Absolutely LOVE it!

2.  Some of you may know that I don't eat meat that is still on the bones (ribs, wings, etc.) - so after deciding we (boys from work and myself) were going to BWW, when I told them I don't eat meat off the bones, I was asked... "umm, you don't eat boneless wings?" HAHA... uhh... never thought about that! So went to BWW and had boneless wings and a Snakebite. Yum!

3.  Thursday was my Santa Anna/Anaheim drive to visit customers.  I decided to be random, and put on my Classic Rock playlist... my drive has never been better... it consisted of The Beatles, Aerosmith, Pat Benatar and a little bit of Queen, a little bit of The Cars. They completed my day!

4. eBay has been my addiction this whole week.  I blame it for getting a new phone and needing a case, and a car charger.  But not only did I order those, I bought a new VS water bottle after I dropped mine and it cracked. =( I was very upset.  I'm also "watching" a book from The Knot regarding flowers... lol But my addiction didn't stop there... I listed my BlackBerry and all of it's accessories, and also listed my iPod Nano (THAT IVE HAD FOREVER!)

5.  Hit the gym... once this week. BLAH! Between not sure if I'm feeling good and not getting enough sleep... it moved down to the bottom of my "priority list".

6.  Since Friday night I've been on ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, tons of water, and a heating pad.  This isn't my normal "back spasms" that I normally have, and its VERY uncomfortable.  But I think I may be feeling a little better... but made my weekend pretty crappy!!

7.  And now, gotta finish up with some stuff cause I have a meeting  with a potential client (bride) today!! 
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Chocolate Covered Oreos

Saturdays Sins... my sins may not always occur on Saturdays, but this is my day to write about them, or it... whatever.  So yesterday, a friend and I were messaging on Facebook cause she wanted to find out pricing on my Cake Balls.  So I started quoting her pricing, and telling her options.  She had mentioned something about cupcakes also, so I offered her all of my "baking" services.  She then mentioned she would make the cupcakes, but she was also going to make chocolate covered Oreos.  Pretty much dip the Oreos in the same chocolate I do for my Cake Balls... so sitting at work half way through the day, I was craving one of these oreos dipped in chocolate.

So I confess... after work I went to the store and bought Oreos, then I was attacked by a Girl Scout troop who convinced me to buy a box of Samoas.  UGHHH LOL.  So thinking I was totally gonna go to the gym last night, I'd work off these cookies.  Well then my back decides to spazz out (which occurs every so often, but this time was  BAD, not even muscle relaxers or ibuprofen took the pain away - which, btw.. I did not take at the same time lol).  So I didn't end up at the gym, but I did end up eating a couple Samoas, and then later last night ended up making those chocolate dipped Oreos.. which made me sick to my stomach because it reminded me of the Cake Balls, and they were waaaay too sweet.  But I do recommend them to those who like my Cake Balls... I could totally see me making these and decorating these as well.  But I feel completely guilty.. Samoas, Chocolate Covered Oreos... forgive me gym, for I have sinned. ;)
Friday, March 04, 2011

Shorts & Fishnets

Okay, Fashion Friday.... I love fashion.  Most of you know I'm not a "T-shirt & Jeans" kinda girl.. sometimes I'd like to be... and sometimes I try.. but then I end up putting some kinda vest on, maybe a belt, and totally dress it up.  My inspiration for this post came from my sister, Melissa (the one still in high school).  She came downstairs last night with an outfit on, and I heard her ask my mom if "it looked ok".  I heard my mom tell her to come ask me.  So I turn around and she had on her cute bright little yellow shorts on, a grey shirt, black fishnet tights with some kind of design and grey vans.  Siiiigh...I remember the days where I used to try to put my outfit together the night before, but unfortunately I didn't have an older sister to go ask if it "looked ok" (my mom still wasn't very much help then in that department lol).

The outfit didn't go.  At all.  I HATED the shoes.  She could totally pull off the shorts and tights, but the vans killed it.  I don't know if I would have liked it better if she had black vans, but she had grey.  Yikes! Grey & yellow?? Hmm.. not too sure. lol  So I told her no, and she went back up, and changed the shorts but I think kept the grey vans on... still told her no. lol  She probably tried on like 10 different outfits on, and the shoes just killed EVERY outfit.  It made sense to me, see.. this is why I have so many shoes. lol  But I told her, the only way you can pull of this look is with boots.  Either boots with a heel, or flat boots, but they need to be black and need to be long, or high.. whatever the word is.

So thinking I'm going to write about this subject today, I did a little research.

In my opinion, this what NOT to do:

Fishnets with Uggs..Unless you're going for the lazy look.

Fishnets with rain/garden boots.... UMMM WTF?!?!?

I LOVE Rihanna, but thigh high & shorts? Lets look at with with someone NOT famous...
NOT attractive.

And some people might like this... but I think if you're ever going to wear footless fishnets, they either need to be like capri length (which I'm still unsure of), or boots!

What I think WORKS (if your going for the fishnets with shorts look):

Heels... not sure if I like them with 'peep-toes', but this works, but not for my little sister. LOL Shorts & heels show off way too much leg. ;)

Flats.. Melissa coulda totally pulled off the look with cute little dressy flats.

Cowboy boots

Motorcycle/Lace-Up/Buckle (whatever you wanta call 'em) boots

Mid-calf boots

So I think I gotta go tell Melissa that she needs to invest in a new pair of shoes.  LOL
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!!

Thankful Thursday... if any of you can't figure out what I will write about on Thursdays... I'll write about something that I'm thankful for! HA! Makes sense right?!? ;)

Anywho... today... I am thankful for my "mommy & daddy".  Today is their 27th Anniversary, and if they didn't get married on this day 27 years ago... I probably wouldn't be here.  I would be NOTHING without my parents.. obviously! lol  Okay, but on a serious note... through all of life's ups and downs, my parents are always there for me.  I may not always get along with them, or agree with them, or I admit there are days I can't stand them (sorry!)... but it's the truth.  It's nothing personal against them, if I can't stand them, I can't stand my whole family (for reals mom, don't get all upset, you know how I get in my moods! lol).  But the last couple months have been pretty difficult, for me... a lot has happened, and a lot has changed...and they've been here for me every step of the way.  Even though most of the time they had no idea what I was going through or what was wrong, my Dad was always there trying to cheer me up, make me laugh, chase me around the house saying I need a hug... my Mom was always there to ask little questions to see if I was ready to talk, and when I was ready, she was there to listen...  I don't know who I'd be, how I'd be or where I'd be without my parents.  They've supported me in everything I've done until now, and I know they'll be there until the end of time.  I know I don't tell you guys or show you guys how thankful I am for both of you... but I am.  THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO....AND I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

High Maintenance?!?!?

So some of you are probably wondering, what the heck is "Wednesday's Whine?"  I realized in my previous blog, I was spending a lot of time complaining, or "whining"... so I have now limited myself to complain and whine one day a week.  Wednesday worked best because it's in the middle of the week. ;)  The only thing that stinks about designating a day to whine, is what happens when I'm in a good mood, and am having a hard time trying to think of something to complain about (like today)? LOL Well, I'm only half way through the day now..maybe I'll hold off and wait till tonight, I may have something then. ;)

5 hours later....

Okay... I found something.  So I was reading something the other day and it got me thinking.  It was a story about this guy who noticed this REALLY pretty girl, but it was someone he wouldn't normally go for because he could tell she was "high maintenance".  So he avoided her and never thought about approaching her until they were faced to talk to each other (they worked in the same building).  She wasn't "high maintenance" at all, she dressed and carried herself for the reason of portraying the right image for her business.  And they ended up falling in love, yadda yadda yadda...

So it got me thinking... I like to dress nice.  I like to make sure that I'm well put-together (hair, makeup).  And I like to be fun and wear hair accessories and big, weird funky jewelry.  But how many people out there think that I'm "high maintenance", just because I like to look nice??  Hasn't anyone ever heard of the "don't judge a book by it's cover"?? This applies... x10! So I asked one of my BFF's (who is a guy), and asked if he thought if I was "high maintenance".  He said... "If I didn't know you, and just saw you... yes.  But because I know you.. I don't think you are at all."  Then he explained to me how there are different definitions of being "high maintenance."  He said I'm "high maintenance" because of the way that I dress, and my appearance.  Then he said there's another kind of "high maintenance", which has to do with your personality.  Someone who's emotional, needy, turns on the dramatics, is up and down...

Personally... I'm not sure (if I had to chose), which one I'd rather be??  You either look "high maintenance", and you intimidate guys and it limits the amount of guys who come up and talk to you, but those who are smart and get to know you, realize you're NOT ---OR---You as a person (personality wise) are "high maintenance".. where the guys come up and talk to you because you don't LOOK "high maintenance" and they don't have a reason to be intimidated, but once they get to know you (obviously after you're somewhat involved with each other), they realize how "high maintenance" you are, and leave.

I'm officially complaining that guys... or anyone, should not judge a person by their appearance.  Now every morning I get dressed... [wait a minute.. not every morning, cause I don't care what people at work think]... but now everytime I get dressed to go out... I feel like I'm going to have to downplay who I am, to not intimidate people, to not intimidate those guys who fears a girl who looks "high maintenance".  And for those who REEAALLLY know me... I hope you know I'm not "high maintenance"... Yes, I like to get my hair done, get my nails done... but solely for the reason because I like to look my best, I like to look nice.
I dress to impress... and in one of the "beliefs" I wrote down in my "About Me" section on my homepage (if you haven't read it, go read it).. I believe elegance can be casual.  =)

As much as you'd think that I'd be sitting here with a glass a wine, being all "high maintenance" and elegant and propose a toast saying "here's to the guys who love us, the losers who lost us, and the lucky bastards that get to meet us" [author unknown]... I'm off to go have a couple beers with my boys. HAHA!
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The 'Peaks' in Life

"That first peak is the best place to pause and look back, to see if you took the easiest route, to learn the lessons from the first climb. And it is the best place to examine the terrain ahead, to change your plans and goals, to take a deep breath and begin climbing again."
By Michael Johnson

After climbing that first peak, you think to yourself "Wow, I made it through this alive!"  Then you see what's in front of you, and you try to figure out how you're going to even pursue this next one.  Sometimes it's scary, sometimes you need a little push.  Sometimes you wish it was as easy as the first "peak".  Realistically, if it was just as easy... what good would that do you? What's behind you, is behind you... and it's behind you for a reason.  What good is it if you go through the same motions day in and day out, what good is it to pass by chances that may be offered, what good is it to stay where it's "safe".  You gain nothing.  We have to go through these "peaks", these situations that we're faced with, these challenges life throws at us - to gain, to grow as a person, to grow as an individual.  Looking back doesn't do anyone any good; the only good that comes from looking back is learning from your mistakes, and what 'to do' or 'not to do' the next time.  You don't want to end up back at the bottom of the first peak and climb that all over again, how boring and pointless would that be?  We climb through these peaks to finally reach the top.. to reach a point in our life where we are happy, where we are content. 

So, I'm officially taking the biggest breath I probably ever have in my life... putting the past behind me.  I've been stuck in this "funk" for the last week or so, ok I lied, the last few months... and I'm done.  I'm currently looking ahead, and will change my plans/goals accordingly to fit MY needs.  I'm going to start climbing again... whether or not I'm ready or prepared.  I'm not going to stand here looking back at what I just "climbed", and wish I can go back.  I climbed it, it's done... NEXT!!!!